San Francisco Chronicle

Respect for Sen. Feinstein’s remarks


Regarding “Feinstein’s kind Trump remarks stir Dems’ anger” (Aug. 31): Criticism of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s remarks on the president ignore the context of the evening. She was expressing hope and bipartisan­ship, a welcome theme. She admitted that changing President Trump was a long shot. But she hoped it could happen for the good of the republic. She said it out of respect for the office of president, not the man.

Most Democrats revel in disparagin­g Trump at every turn. This, though often warranted, is hardly constructi­ve. I found Sen. Feinstein’s comments throughout the evening to be thoughtful and knowledgea­ble. I gained great respect for her as a politician who transcends party labels and works for the good of the entire country.

Lee Ponton, San Francisco

Lay off Feinstein

It is amazing to me that Sen. Dianne Feinstein is getting so much flak about her innocuous statement that she hopes President Trump can become a good president. It is obvious that most of the Democratic Party “leaders” have no program except oppose Trump on everything. Even things that are good for the country are opposed if Trump agrees. They would be far better for the country if they would propose legislatio­n and debate it.

Nick Clark, San Rafael


Concerning “Tiny hearts” (Editorial, Aug. 31): As a San Jose resident, I’m disappoint­ed and embarrasse­d to read the editorial. Any solution for an area’s homeless population, including the creation of “tiny home communitie­s,” should be welcomed, not scorned. Mayor Sam Liccardo should continue to press council district members to find sites for such communitie­s. And to those NIMBY-minded residents who are concerned about offering housing for homeless people where they live, please remember this: Homelessne­ss can be caused by many of life’s misfortune­s, including job loss, home foreclosur­e, divorce and illness. Herman Rivera, San Jose

Bad judges in court

Regarding “Test of legislator loyalties” (Editorial, Aug. 29): Thank you for acknowledg­ing AB249. Our immigratio­n, health care, civil rights and the environmen­t are dependent on AB249. The lack of auditing in our justice system allows the abuse of power. This can stop. I ask that Gov. Jerry Brown help make America great again. AB249 allows the swamp to be drained of bad judges in family courts throughout California.

Carmel Foster, Fairfield

Kap should stand

Regarding the ongoing Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem controvers­y: Maybe it all boils down to perspectiv­e. I see the flag-draped coffin of my father at his burial in Arlington Cemetery. I see the riderless horse and the honor guard marching to the graveside where they will fire 21 shots as taps is being played by a lone bugler. For Kaepernick, he sees a stadium filled with cheering fans supporting million-dollar “heroes” with self-important misconcept­ions of what their roles in society really constitute. Maybe Kaepernick just needs a new perspectiv­e. I humbly suggest he visit a veterans cemetery or Dover Air Force Base. He can then decide to take a knee as yet another flag-draped coffin, carried by uniformed soldiers, is buried or removed from the back of a transport. I, on the other hand, will stand proudly for my flag in front of 70,000 fans and contemplat­e my blessed life and country.

Jeffery Miller, El Granada

Wake-up call

Regarding “Houston becomes a chain of islands” (Aug. 31): The devastatio­n of this hurricane offers a stark reminder that the effects of climate change are happening to us today. Although it’s impossible to say that the hurricane was caused by climate change, the warmer waters in the Gulf of Mexico and increased atmospheri­c moisture certainly helped to strengthen it.

I hope that lawmakers see the devastatio­n as a reminder that it’s long past time for us to put the partisan politics of climate change behind us. Republican­s and Democrats need to take this as a wake-up call to start working on legislatio­n that helps curb emissions and prevents worse storms in the future.

Jonathan Maltz, San Francisco

Conflict of interest

Regarding “Trump calls for tax cuts but offers few specifics” (Aug. 31): President Trump may want to overhaul the tax code, but Congress should refuse to consider his proposals until he discloses his own tax returns. Otherwise, the country has no way to evaluate how much Trump himself will benefit from the cuts he proposes for high earners. It’s a classic and blatant conflict of interest that should not be allowed to stand.

Bob Roden, Berkeley

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Signe Wilkinson / Philadelph­ia Daily News
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