San Francisco Chronicle


From Around the World

- Chronicle News Services

_1 Robbery apology: The alleged mastermind behind the Paris robbery of Kim Kardashian West has written the reality TV star an apology letter from his prison cell. A person familiar with the case said Thursday that suspect Aomar Ait Khedache sent the letter to the investigat­ing judge and that Kardashian West’s lawyers have had access to it. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because French legal rules prohibit anyone from disclosing elements of an ongoing investigat­ion. TMZ website first reported on the letter. It quoted Khedache as writing he regrets his actions and realizes the psychologi­cal damage he caused. Kardashian West was held at gunpoint during the 2016 jewelry heist.

_2 Mexican quake: The death toll from Mexico’s Sept. 19 earthquake increased to 344 on Thursday, with 205 of the deaths counted in the nation’s capital. National Civil Defense chief Luis Felipe Puente announced the new figure via Twitter as recovery teams pulled some of the few remaining bodies out of collapsed buildings in Mexico City. Most of the capital’s collapse sites have already been cleared of rubble. President Enrique Peña Nieto said Wednesday that preliminar­y accounting suggests damage from the magnitude 7.1 quake in central Mexico and an even more powerful one earlier in the month in southern Mexico could cost upward of $2 billion.

_3 Making nice: Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Turkey on Thursday for talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that focused on the situation in Iraq and Syria along with bilateral trade. Turkey and Russia are working to deepen ties in a turnaround for the two nations, which have backed opposing sides in Syria and nearly came to blows over Turkey’s downing of a Russian plane in 2015. The two leaders showered one another with praise in statements after their talks in Ankara.

_4 Rohingya crisis: U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged Myanmar’s authoritie­s on Thursday to immediatel­y end military operations that have sent over 500,000 Rohingya Muslims fleeing to Bangladesh, calling the crisis “the world’s fastest developing refugee emergency and a humanitari­an and human rights nightmare.” The U.N. chief warned that the humanitari­an crisis is a breeding ground for radicaliza­tion, criminals and trafficker­s. And he said the broader crisis “has generated multiple implicatio­ns for neighborin­g states and the larger region, including the risk of inter-communal strife.” Guterres told the U.N. Security Council at its first open meeting on Myanmar since 2009 that government authoritie­s must also allow “unfettered access” for humanitari­an aid and ensure “the safe, voluntary, dignified and sustainabl­e return” of all those who sought refuge across the border.

_5 Attack condemned: Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas has condemned a deadly Palestinia­n shooting attack that killed three Israelis, two days after it took place. Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdeneh published a statement condemning the attack late Thursday on the Palestinia­n government-run Wafa news agency site. A Palestinia­n killed three Israelis and seriously wounded another before he was shot dead at a West Bank settlement near Jerusalem. Abbas has long been a critic of violence, but has remained quiet in the past when attacks against Israelis took place in the West Bank. He had been under heavy pressure to condemn Tuesday’s shootings.

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