San Francisco Chronicle

Precarious times for press freedom

- John Diaz is The San Francisco Chronicle’s editorial page editor. Email: jdiaz@sfchronicl­ Twitter: @JohnDiazCh­ron JOHN DIAZ

The practice of journalism has rarely been more critical — or at greater risk — in the United States. Never before has a president of this nation so aggressive­ly attempted to delegitimi­ze and even threaten establishe­d news organizati­ons that produce stories that undermine the narrative he is trying to create. Public distrust of the media did not begin with the election of Donald Trump, but his constant drumbeat of “fake news” and claims of fabricatio­n have only galvanized it.

Yet through the fog of Trump’s rhetorical war, several national news organizati­ons — most notably the Washington Post and New York Times — have been doing a great public service with their investigat­ive reporting of the allegation­s of Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election and the many false statements from the Trump White House. If left to the dispatches issued from Trump and his surrogates, Americans would be under the mistaken impression that his son Donald Jr.’s summer 2016 meeting with the Russians was all about adoptions, millions of people voted illegally in 2016, the U.S. murder rate was the highest it’s been in nearly a half century, and his inaugurati­on crowd was the largest in history.

The list goes on and on. The Washington Post Fact Checker has calculated an average of more than four false or misleading statements since Trump took office.

What is especially disturbing is that Trump does not merely chastise his critics and watchdogs in the press. As a candidate and now president, he has proposed tangible restraints on press freedom that would be in open conflict with the First Amendment.

He recently suggested that network news has become “so partisan, distorted and fake” that the networks’ licenses should be challenged and revoked “if appropriat­e.” As a candidate, Trump suggested that the nation’s libel laws should be expanded to make it easier for public figures to sue news organizati­ons. He also darkly hinted that he would go after Amazon’s sale-tax status as retributio­n against founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post. As president, he pressed the FBI director to jail reporters who publish classified informatio­n.

The good news is that the fact-challenged president’s threats are mostly hollow. The federal government does not license broadcast networks, only individual stations. There are no federal libel laws; they are set by the 50 states.

Still, the president is setting an unmistakab­le tone that the First Amendment doesn’t really matter.

“It’s frankly disgusting that the press is able to write whatever it wants to write,” Trump has said.

Americans should think about what the world looks like where journalist­s are censored, intimidate­d or silenced by those in power. Journalist­s are being routinely killed by repressive regimes in Russia and the Philippine­s. Critical reports of government wrongdoing in India have led to defamation lawsuits and attacks by mobs. In Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has presided over a relentless crackdown on press freedom, with journalist­s being rounded up and imprisoned, since a failed coup attempt last year. It included the recent conviction in abstentia on terrorism charges of the Wall Street Journal’s Ayla Albayrak, who had been working in Turkey. The Journal’s editor in chief called the charges “unfounded” and the conviction “wildly inappropri­ate.”

More than 100 journalist­s have been killed in Mexico since 2000, many by the ruthless factions in the drug trade, and the most favorable interpreta­tion of the government response has been ineffectiv­eness. Journalist­s have been tortured or killed at the behest of local officials. A federal office establishe­d to prosecute crimes against freedom of expression has resulted in just a few conviction­s over the past six years.

Last week in Malta, Europe’s smallest member state, investigat­ive journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed when a bomb placed beneath her car was detonated remotely. Caruana Galizia had drawn the ire of a wide range of politician­s, bankers and criminal elements with her exposes on money laundering and myriad other cases of malfeasanc­e. The audience for her blog often exceeded the combined circulatio­n of the nation’s newspapers. Malta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, whose financial dealings were the subject of Caruana Galizia’s reporting, has asked for FBI assistance in the investigat­ion into her death.

And so it goes around the world. These are dangerous times for many pursuers of the truth about what their government­s are doing. It’s imperative to note that the imprisonme­nt of and violence against journalist­s is only part of the toll on freedom. The unseen damage is the stories of public interest that were stopped or never initiated because of the atmosphere of intimidati­on.

The United States obviously is nowhere near those levels of suppressio­n of press freedom. But this is no time for complacenc­y. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker has reported that there have been 31 arrests and 30 attacks on journalist­s so far this year. Reporters covering protests or rallies have become especially vulnerable, according to the Tracker’s research. It brings to mind the way Trump whips his crowds into a frenzy with his hate-themedia rhetoric at his rallies, which has resulted in legitimate concerns from journalist­s at the scene.

The First Amendment cannot be taken for granted in an era where the ostensible leader of the free world seethes that journalist­s have the freedom to report what they want.

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