San Francisco Chronicle

Vines that can take the shade

- — Earl Nickel

One of the common requests I get as a nurseryman is: “Do you have any vines for a shady spot?” It’s a good question, as most common vines are sun lovers. Whether you are covering an unsightly fence, want something attractive to climb the side of your house or need a pretty vine to train over an arbor, there are indeed vines that prefer shade or are shade tolerant.


Hardenberg­ia violacea isa popular choice for shade. With its leathery dark green oblong leaves and twining habit, this evergreen looks good yearround. From December to April it produces masses of tiny, pea-shaped dark purple flowers that put on a latewinter show. It will want a bit of morning sun or bright indirect light to be happy, but it is a sturdy vine that eventually develops a durable trunk and branches. It is easily trained and drought tolerant once establishe­d. I have found it to be disease and insect resistant.

Kadsura japonica ‘variegata’ features handsomely variegated leaves that are a glossy dark green edged in creamy white. It’s worth noting that most vines for shade are going to feature foliage, not flowers, and this magnolia relative does just that. It will climb to 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide and looks especially attractive twining on pergolas or arches. Although slow to flower, 1inch waxy white flowers will appear in spring. These may be followed by red berries in the fall. Another excellent trellis or fence cover is the Holboellia coriacea (Sausage vine). This Akebia relative features luxuriant three-parted glossy leaves year-round. In early spring, cascades of scented tiny white flowers appear. These may be followed by plum-colored tubular seedpods, leading to its common name.

Creeping fig (Ficus

pumila) has become a popular choice for a shady wall, and for good reason. It’s one of the few vines that needs no separate support. Its tendrils will attach themselves to any wall, even stucco, whereupon it will climb upwards of 20 feet. Delicate green leaves eventually fill in densely, and in fall will acquire a reddish glow. This evergreen is drought tolerant, problem free and attractive year-round.


Parthenoci­ssus tricuspida­ta is a mouthful, but you can call this charmer by its common name: Boston Ivy. Best known for covering Ivy League brick campus buildings, it’s just as home in Bay Area gardens. The large leaves can be variable in shape but commonly feature three serrated lobes. During late autumn, the foliage turns a brilliant red. It grows quickly, making it an excellent choice for an “instant” screen or fence cover. Water regularly during the growing season.

Hydrangea petiolaris, or climbing Hydrangea, is a vigorous vine from Japan and Korea. Its large white flower clusters in June and heartshape­d leaves make for an attractive covering for a house wall or arch. More three-dimensiona­l than most vines and very multi-branching, this hardy vine is great for adding texture. It also features an attractive reddish-brown peeling bark.

Schizophra­gma hydrangeoi­des is similar in appearance to climbing Hydrangea. This woody-stemmed vine is valued for its 4-inch, toothed deep green leaves and large, lacecap hydrangea-like clusters of pure white flowers. Foliage turns a golden yellow in fall. As with climbing Hydrangea, it attaches to and grows up flat vertical surfaces via stemborne adhesive rootlets.

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