San Francisco Chronicle

Appeals court to decide how to describe ballot measure

- By Bob Egelko

The future of California’s new fuel tax — 12 cents a gallon for gasoline, 20 cents for diesel fuel — is likely to go before the voters in November 2018. What’s less clear is whether the official title on the state ballot pamphlet, an important source of voter informatio­n, will start by saying it “repeals taxes” or “eliminates ... revenues” for transporta­tion and road repair.

Both descriptio­ns are accurate. Which one will accompany a Republican-sponsored initiative to repeal the tax, as of January 2019, is a question now before a state appeals court in Sacramento. The justices must weigh their duty to inform the voters against the authority

by law to Attorney General Xavier Becerra, whose office prepares the title and summary for every proposed ballot measure.

Becerra, a Democrat, drafted a title for the initiative that referred only to its impact on repair programs and revenue, though his moredetail­ed summary that followed listed each tax that would be repealed. In September, a Sacramento County judge, in an unusual but not unpreceden­ted action, found the title misleading and rewrote it to lead with the gas tax repeal.

The attorney general’s office challenged the judge’s action to the Third District Court of Appeal.

“Courts have stated that considerab­le deference must be afforded to the attorney general’s title and summary,” lawyers from Becerra’s office said in the filing. The judge, the lawyers said, “simply substitute­d (his) judgment for the judgment of the official vested by state law with the task.”

On the other hand, the attorney general is also a politician, from the party that steered the gas tax through the Legislatur­e. He was appointed to his current position by Gov. Jerry Brown, “the very governor who champions this” tax increase, to replace Kamala Harris after her election to the U.S. Senate, noted Benjamin Pugh, lawyer for Assemblyma­n Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach (Orange County), sponsor of the tax repeal initiative.

The new taxes and fees, signed into law by Brown in April, are inly tended to raise more than $5 billion a year to repair the state’s deteriorat­ing streets and highways. Besides the gas tax, they include a vehicle registrati­on fee of $25 to $175, depending on the value of the vehicle, starting next year, and a $100 fee on zero-emission vehicles, starting in 2020.

In a USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll conducted online among 1,504 California­ns from Oct. 27 to Nov. 6, 54 percent said they would vote to repeal the tax.

Becerra’s title said the repeal initiative “eliminates recently enacted road repair and transporta­tion funding by eliminatin­g revenues dedicated for those purposes.”

In response to a lawsuit by Allen, a prospectiv­e Republican candidate for governor next year, Superior Court Judge Timothy Frawley recast the title to say that the measure “repeals recentprov­ided enacted gas and diesel taxes and vehicle registrati­on fees. Eliminates road repair and transporta­tion programs funded by these taxes and fees.”

But under state law, Becerra’s appeal of Frawley’s ruling automatica­lly reinstated the attorney general’s language on initiative petitions, at least until the appellate court acts. Pugh said a speedy ruling is needed so that supporters will have a chance to collect 365,880 valid signatures and submit them by the June 28 deadline.

The title of a proposed ballot measure, written in all capital letters, and the summary that follows appear on signatureg­athering petitions as well as the state ballot pamphlet, and represent most voters’ first view of the measure’s contents. Their importance was illustrate­d in 1996 in a dispute over Propositio­n 209, which eliminated any considerat­ion of race or sex in state education, employment and contractin­g programs.

Then-Attorney General Dan Lungren, a Republican who supported Prop. 209, gave it a title and summary that said it prohibited “discrimina­tion or preferenti­al treatment” based on race or gender. In a suit by civil rights groups, a Sacramento judge ordered Lungren to also state that the measure would ban “affirmativ­e action” for minorities — a ban that most California­ns opposed, according to opinion polls.

The appeals court disagreed, saying Lungren had taken his wording from the text of the initiative, which did not mention affirmativ­e action. Prop. 209 passed with 54.6 percent of the vote.

Other challenges to ballot titles have occasional­ly succeeded, and there have been a few unsuccessf­ul legislativ­e efforts to shift responsibi­lity for titles and summaries to a less partisan office. The drafter of the current law that assigned those tasks to the attorney general says he now regrets it.

The Legislatur­e’s nonpartisa­n fiscal analyst now does assessment­s of each ballot measure’s likely financial impact for the ballot pamphlet, and “we should have put them in charge of the titles as well,” attorney Robert Stern said. “The legislativ­e analyst, as far as I can remember, has never been accused of playing politics.”

The law was part of the state’s Political Reform Act, a 1974 ballot measure that also regulated political contributi­ons and spending. Stern helped to write it as legal counsel to then-Secretary of State Jerry Brown and later served as the first general counsel of the enforcemen­t agency, the Fair Political Practices Commission.

He now teaches an extension class at UCLA, where Becerra appeared as a guest speaker last month and defended his role in writing the state’s official descriptio­ns of ballot measures.

There is “no one who has more expertise on this than the attorney general’s office,” Becerra said, responding to questions by Stern. “It doesn’t make any difference to me if you’re a Republican or a Democrat . ... We are the attorney for the state.”

 ?? Rich Pedroncell­i / Associated Press ?? A court will decide whether a ballot measure’s title says it repeals the new gas tax or eliminates revenue for road repairs.
Rich Pedroncell­i / Associated Press A court will decide whether a ballot measure’s title says it repeals the new gas tax or eliminates revenue for road repairs.
 ?? Paul Chinn / The Chronicle ?? Anthony Ballester and others protest California’s 12-cent gas tax increase in San Francisco on Nov. 4. The tax is intended to help the state repair roads.
Paul Chinn / The Chronicle Anthony Ballester and others protest California’s 12-cent gas tax increase in San Francisco on Nov. 4. The tax is intended to help the state repair roads.

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