San Francisco Chronicle

Lawmakers return with a long to-do list on a short timetable

- By Andrew Taylor Andrew Taylor is an Associated Press writer.

WASHINGTON — The crush of unfinished business facing lawmakers when they return to the Capitol would be daunting even if Washington were functionin­g at peak efficiency.

It’s an agenda whose core items — tax cuts, a potential government shutdown, many leftover spending bills — could unravel just as easily as advance amid factionali­sm, gamesmansh­ip, and a toxic political environmen­t.

There’s only a four-week window until a Christmas deadline, barely enough time for complicate­d negotiatio­ns even if December stays on the rails. And that’s hardly a sure bet in President Trump’s capital.

Trump and congressio­nal leaders plan a meeting Tuesday to discuss how to sidestep a shutdown and work though the legislativ­e to-do list.

For the optimistic, it’s plain that Democrats and Republican­s have reasons to cooperate, particular­ly on spending increases for the Pentagon and domestic agencies whose budgets otherwise would be frozen. An additional round of hurricane aid should be bipartisan, and efforts to reauthoriz­e a popular health care program for children seem to be on track.

Republican­s are advancing their cherished tax cut measure under special rules that mean Senate Democrats cannot use delaying tactics. The measure passed the House just before the Thanksgivi­ng break and moves to the Senate floor this week.

After the Senate GOP’s failure on health care last summer, the majority party is under enormous pressure to produce a victory on taxes. Still, GOP deficit hawks such as Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee and Jeff Flake of Arizona remain uneasy about the overhaul.

While Democrats are largely sidelined on taxes, they hold leverage over a mix of budgetrela­ted issues.

First, there’s the need to avert a government shutdown after a temporary spending bill expires on Dec. 8. The most likely scenario, congressio­nal aides say, is for an additional extension until Christmas. On a parallel track are talks to raise spending limits that are keeping agency budgets essentiall­y frozen unless those caps are raised. If that happens, then negotiatio­ns could begin in earnest on a massive catchall spending measure in hopes of having it signed into law by year’s end.

Taxes have gotten all the attention so far, but the showdown over a potential shutdown right before Christmas could soon take center stage. Democrats are counting on GOP fears of a holiday season closure to ensure Republican concession­s during December talks.

Both sides would have to make concession­s that may upset partisans in either party. Just as House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., fears a revolt on the right, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco risks an uprising on her left. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., round out the quartet of top negotiator­s.

“Everybody’s got complicate­d politics. The chance of short-term failure is pretty high — short-term failure being a shutdown,” said Steve Elmendorf, a Democratic lobbyist.

 ?? Evan Vucci / Associated Press ?? House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. (left), President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., will lead GOP efforts to pass a tax cut bill and avert a government shutdown.
Evan Vucci / Associated Press House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. (left), President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., will lead GOP efforts to pass a tax cut bill and avert a government shutdown.

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