San Francisco Chronicle


- By Juliet Linderman Juliet Linderman is an Associated Press writer.

House OKs requiring anti-harassment training for lawmakers.

WASHINGTON — Pressured to respond to burgeoning sexual misconduct allegation­s, the House easily approved a bipartisan measure Wednesday requiring annual antiharass­ment training for lawmakers and aides after a debate that rang with lawmakers’ own accounts of such episodes.

Voice vote passage came as Congress waged year-end battles over Republican tax cuts and a potential government shutdown but has been diverted to also address allegation­s against some of its own. The accused include liberal heroes Rep. John Conyers and Sen. Al Franken and farright GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama.

With Conyers being pressed to resign from Congress by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and others, Pelosi seemed to suggest it was time for the long-serving liberal and civil rights hero to step down.

“No matter how great the legacy, it is not a license to harass and abuse,” Pelosi, D-San Francisco, said without mentioning the 88-yearold Michigan Democrat’s name. She said Congress must tolerate no abuse, “no matter your contributi­on to our country.”

Conyers’ attorney, Arnold Reed, said on Wednesday that the lawmaker has no plans to leave Congress and will fight the accusation­s against him “tooth and nail.”

The House debate also saw Rep. Robert Brady, D-Pa., describe conversing with a female colleague in the chamber as a congressma­n he didn’t identify “walked by and groped her from behind.” Rep. Ann McLane Kuster, D-N.H., recounted a story she’s told before about being sexually assaulted while a congressio­nal aide four decades ago by “a distinguis­hed guest of the United States Congress.”

Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Hillsborou­gh, a sponsor of the training measure, said a woman told her of being on the House floor when a man “grinded up against her and then stuck his tongue in her ear.” Speier, who offered no names and has described the incident previously, has said she herself was sexually assaulted by her office’s chief of staff when she was an aide years ago.

Earlier, House Speaker Paul Ryan said there should be no room for sexual harassment “in any workplace, let alone in the United States Congress.” Ryan, R-Wis., told reporters that having a hostile environmen­t on Capitol Hill is “a disgrace.”

Ryan and others said one upcoming target for examinatio­n is the secretive practice lawmakers use to settle complaints using federally financed payments. No informatio­n is publicly released and recipients must promise silence.

Many such settlement­s go through Congress’ obscure Office of Compliance, which has said it’s paid more than $17 million over the past 20 years to resolve claims of sexual harassment, pay disputes and other disagreeme­nts. It’s provided no detail. Rep. Gregg Harper, RMiss., who chairs a committee that oversees that office, said he’s requested figures on settlement­s involving sexual harassment by lawmakers.

Ryan sidesteppe­d a question on whether lawmakers should more vocally address some women’s claims that they were sexually harassed by Donald Trump before he became president. Trump has denied the allegation­s.

“Right now we’re focused on making sure this place works the right way,” Ryan said.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press ?? Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell (left) discusses reports of sexual misconduct by Rep. John Conyers.
J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell (left) discusses reports of sexual misconduct by Rep. John Conyers.

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