San Francisco Chronicle

Net neutrality hits a nerve, eliciting intense reactions

- By Cecilia Kang Cecilia Kang is a New York Times writer.

WASHINGTON — It usually doesn’t take much to get people on the Internet worked up. To get them really worked up, make the topic Internet regulation.

In the week since the Federal Communicat­ions Commission released a plan to scrap existing rules for Internet delivery, more than 200,000 phone calls, organized through online campaigns, have been placed to Congress in protest. An additional 500,000 comments have been left on the agency’s website. On social media sites like Twitter and Reddit, the issue has been a leading topic of discussion.

In some cases, views on the sweeping change, which would repeal landmark regulation­s meant to ensure an open Internet, has turned into personal attacks. The agency’s chairman, Ajit Pai, said threatenin­g calls and emails had poured into his home and his wife’s work. An image of a protest poster with his children’s names was posted online and spread widely. Ethnic slurs aimed at Pai, whose parents immigrated from India, littered his Twitter feed.

There are also echoes of the 2016 presidenti­al election, with accusation­s that not all of the reaction is coming from Americans. The federal agency is for the first time dealing with a powerful technology foe as automated software, known as bots, appear to have sent many comments to the site, according to data researcher­s.

And at least 400,000 comments about the issue since April on the FCC site appear to have originated from an apartment in St. Petersburg, Russia, the agency said. It is unclear whether the emails did originate from there or were made to look as if they did.

But none of that has overshadow­ed the heated reaction to the agency’s proposal.

“There doesn’t seem to be middle ground on this issue,” said John Beahn, a lawyer at Skadden Arps who specialize­s in regulation.

At the center of the debate is whether telecom companies like AT&T and Verizon should be able to charge Internet sites for delivering their data to consumers’ homes. In 2015, the FCC voted to prohibit those charges, in a policy often called net neutrality.

But Pai, a Republican nominated for the chairmansh­ip by President Trump, said the regulation­s are heavy-handed and prevent telecom companies from pursuing new business models. His proposal, by stripping away the existing rules, would allow telecom companies to charge websites to deliver their data at higher speeds.

In a speech this week, Pai addressed some of the concerns that have been voiced since he released his proposal, pointing specifical­ly to comments by celebritie­s like Cher and Kumail Nanjiani of “Silicon Valley.” He said their tweets warning that his rules would lead to authoritar­ianism and a handout to big cable companies were “utterly absurd.”

“I’d like to cut through hysteria and hot air and speak in plain terms about the plan,” Pai said, adding that the plan would bring back the regulation-free policy that helped the Internet thrive. He said big tech companies might be a bigger threat to online speech than telecom companies.

The proposal is expected to be approved at a meeting of the five FCC commission­ers Dec. 14. The two other Republican commission­ers have already expressed their support for Pai.

The 2015 rules also elicited strong interest. The FCC site was overwhelme­d with comments after a monologue from late-night host John Oliver was widely viewed online. Some people who wanted the stronger rules blocked the driveway of the chairman at the time, Tom Wheeler, to try to persuade him to change the agency’s plan.

Big Web companies like Google and Netflix played activist roles as well, supporting the stronger rules. They argued that telecom companies should not be able to split sites into fast lanes and slow lanes because that would allow them to become a sort of gatekeeper for informatio­n and entertainm­ent. In addition, they say, it would hurt startups without the money to pay for the faster lanes.

Pai, who opposed the rules as a commission­er in 2015, gave broad outlines of his plans early this year. For months, comments to the FCC website piled up, to more than 20 million. President Barack Obama’s clean power plan, perhaps his biggest policy change at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency, attracted 4.3 million comments over six months.

But the intensity has increased even more since Pai released the details of his proposal — perhaps in part because few people expected him to try to strip all of the existing rules.

“We never expected this,” wrote Craig Moffett, an analyst at research firm Moffett-Nathanson.

Public interest groups like Free Press and organizati­ons like Mozilla, the nonprofit behind the popular Firefox browser, said they are prepared to file suit against the plan as soon as the vote Dec. 14.

“The action hit a nerve because the Internet is central to the vast majority of people’s daily lives, and so people were very eager to understand what was happening over the weekend,” said Denelle Dixon, chief legal officer for Mozilla.

The reaction from the biggest tech companies, however, has been noticeably subdued. Instead of forceful pleas from their executives, like those in years past on this issue, they are largely speaking through their trade group, the Internet Associatio­n, which has expressed disappoint­ment over Pai’s plan.

“Internet companies are firm supporters of the 2015 Open Internet Order and will continue our push for strong, enforceabl­e net neutrality rules going forward,” said Noah Theran, a spokesman for the Internet Associatio­n. “We are reviewing the draft order and weighing our legal options.”

 ?? Mark Ralston / AFP / Getty Images ?? People protest during a rally to “Protect Net Neutrality” in Los Angeles.
Mark Ralston / AFP / Getty Images People protest during a rally to “Protect Net Neutrality” in Los Angeles.

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