San Francisco Chronicle

Precious precipitat­ion


Regarding “Chances rising for a too-dry winter” (Jan. 30): With more warm and dry winter weather on the way and our state’s snowpack at only 30 percent of normal, California­ns should again revert to water conservati­on measures. This means taking shorter showers, not watering lawns or washing down dusty sidewalks, and flushing toilets only when necessary (“if it’s yellow, let it mellow”). Climate change is robbing us of precious precipitat­ion, and we have to adjust to this new normal.

Dolores Santangelo, Danville

Stiff sentencing for break-ins

The present manner of dealing with car break-ins has got to change. There have been few arrests and fewer prosecutio­ns and the police, overwhelme­d, are not even investigat­ing incidents. Why not set up a sting operation? Fake up a couple of vehicles to look like tourist cars and lie in wait for the perpetrato­rs.

Once apprehende­d, make sure they are charged with felony burglary and get a stiff sentence, say a year in jail, then offer to negotiate this if they will reveal other members, if they are part of a ring, or maybe at least reveal where they fence their stolen goods. Publicize these successes. I assure you, even a few successful busts will have an enormous disincenti­ve effect. Vernon Shipley, Santa Rosa

Congested metropolis

Regarding “Fix sought for BART parking shortage” (Jan. 26): I have read many of your articles on BART improvemen­ts, the last one being the Jan. 26 article. Am I missing something? Why do I never hear someone say that we need more BART parking spaces? Is the existing number of spaces a fact of nature or am I just ignorant of the common wisdom about how that number can never be increased?

Of course taxes would be involved, but what is more important in our congested metropolis? Not to be able to use public transporta­tion when we want is a scandal. Playing games with varying parking fees won’t “fix” that scandal.

Craig Janke, Lafayette

Condemned remarks

We, concerned Nigerian Americans, with other African and Haitian immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area, join all well-meaning people in unequivoca­lly condemning the remarks by President Trump. Other than the direct vulgarity, a more serious concern is the racial undertone of the remarks which expressed a preference for migrants from a certain country. Trump’s remarks not only fly in the face of truth, but demonstrat­e how grossly uninformed he is regarding the contributi­ons of immigrants from the countries he has denigrated. According to census data, 43 percent of all African immigrants living in the United States hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. By many measures, including academic and profession­al accomplish­ments, African immigrants’ performanc­e is at least at par with the average markers in American society.

African immigrants have contribute­d immensely to the economic growth of the United States. A vast majority of them are hardworkin­g and law-abiding, and they support their children through some of the best institutio­ns of higher learning in the United States. Like all Americans, we expect the occupant of the White House to be a constant source of unity, to protect American values and liberty for all, rather than engage in vulgar and divisive rhetoric that fans embers of hatred among its citizens

Johnson Ojo, Concerned Africans in San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco

Common sense for car owners

Regarding “Get serious about this” (Editorial, Jan. 29): Even if changes are made in the city’s penal code to make car break-ins easier to prosecute, car owners should use common sense when leaving their cars parked on city streets. Since such break-ins are mostly crimes of opportunit­y, it would be wise for drivers not to leave valuables like laptop computers or cell phones in plain sight.

Installing car alarms and placing stickers in side windows to make others aware of such security devices might also deter would-be thieves. Sadly, these crimes have become a daily occurrence in our city, but being proactive rather than reactive can help car owners mitigate this serious problem.

Hortensia Delarosa, San Francisco

Praise of valuable citizen

Regarding “How cultural center’s founder nurtured Mission’s artistic soul” ( Jan. 29): I would like to thank The Chronicle and Ryan Kost for recognizin­g the life and service of our Bay Area treasure René Yañez. It’s great to have some of our valuable citizens praised.

Randy Craig, El Cerrito

Shame on the progressiv­es

Shame on San Francisco’s so-called progressiv­es who engineered the underhande­d backroom coup that swept acting Mayor London Breed out of office. The whole affair was racist and sexist, and flies in the face of progressiv­e values. I only wish I lived in San Francisco so I could vote for London Breed for mayor.

Barbara Pottgen, Oakland

 ?? Joel Pett / Lexington Herald-Leader ??
Joel Pett / Lexington Herald-Leader

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