San Francisco Chronicle

Global impact: big in some areas, scanty in others

- By David Crary David Crary is an Associated Press writer.

Thanks to the vast reach of social media and the prevalence of sexual misconduct in virtually every society, the #MeToo movement has proven itself a genuinely global phenomenon.

In Western Europe, some VIPs have been discredite­d and some new antiharass­ment laws are in the works. Worldwide, the fallout includes backlashes against women who speak out, divisions within feminist ranks and minimal repercussi­ons for accused harassers. And in many countries, the U.S. included, the movement has consisted primarily of well-educated profession­als, largely leaving out working-class and poor women. Some skeptics have coined the hashtag #WeFew.

Yet its impact varies widely from country to country, from potentiall­y momentous to inconseque­ntial.

In China, discussion of #MeToo has sometimes been censored on social media and branded as a destabiliz­ing foreign movement. To thwart the censors, social media users have made creative use of hashtags such as #RiceBunny — a phrase which in China is pronounced “me too.”

In India, sexual misconduct allegation­s against more than 60 academics sparked divisions among feminists. A crowdsourc­ed list of alleged harassers was posted on Facebook by a U.S.-based law student, with contributi­ons from students in India. But the list contained few details about the allegation­s or accusers, and was criticized by some women as unfair.

In France, the government is preparing new legislatio­n on sexual violence and harassment, and some lawmakers want to impose fines for sexist catcalls. Yet despite sexual misconduct allegation­s against several prominent men, they have maintained their jobs and status.

In Britain, harassment allegation­s last year led to one highlevel resignatio­n — that of Defense Secretary Michael Fallon — and prompted political leaders to propose a new grievance procedure for people working in Parliament.

Even in Nordic countries ranked high for gender equality, there has been #MeToo turmoil. In Iceland and Sweden, women in numerous profession­al sectors mounted social media campaigns to raise awareness about widespread sexual misconduct; the Swedish government has proposed tightening its rape law to stipulate that explicit consent is required before sexual contact.

In Africa and much of Latin America, many countries have weak support systems for women who do report sexual assault.

 ?? Claude Paris / Associated Press 2017 ?? Demonstrat­ors hold placards reading “Sexism, that is not my gender” and “125 women killed in 2016,” during a protest against sexual abuse and under the #MeToo movement, in Marseille.
Claude Paris / Associated Press 2017 Demonstrat­ors hold placards reading “Sexism, that is not my gender” and “125 women killed in 2016,” during a protest against sexual abuse and under the #MeToo movement, in Marseille.

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