San Francisco Chronicle

Trump, state GOP voices lambaste sanctuary laws

White House rallies officials from California on core issue

- By Joe Garofoli

“There are lot of people in California who are sympatheti­c to the plight

of immigrants. But they don’t want to be a sanctuary state.”

Assemblywo­man Melissa Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore (Riverside County)

California’s sanctuary-state laws got a national airing Wednesday when local leaders met with President Trump at the White House to complain that limiting their cooperatio­n with immigratio­n officials is endangerin­g public safety.

The meeting was long on outrage and assertions by more than a dozen mayors, county supervisor­s and district attorneys that undocument­ed immigrants are driving up crime in California, with Trump periodical­ly taking swings at the state’s “deadly and unconstitu­tional” laws — and referring to some undocument­ed immigrants as “animals.”

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s presence was a reminder of the underlying political importance of the sanctuary issue to the White House — it could help determine whether McCarthy and his fellow Republican­s will still be running the House next year.

For McCarthy, R-Bakersfiel­d, and California Republican­s, this was about rallying GOP voters back home. For Trump, this was a message to his supporters in the rest of the country that he won’t forget the core of his agenda, even if the venue is a state that he lost by nearly 2-to-1 to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Republican­s hope the real impact of Trump going national with his fight against sanctuary laws will be excitement among their base voters — and not just in the courtroom, where the administra­tion has sued to overturn the state’s restrictio­ns against local authoritie­s cooperatin­g with fed-

eral agents enforcing immigratio­n law.

The GOP desperatel­y needs the injection of energy in California. Democrats have targeted several of the 14 congressio­nal seats now held by Republican­s as part of their effort to win back the House. The two main Republican­s running for governor, Travis Allen and John Cox, have seized on the issue in hopes that at least one of them will survive the June 5 top-two primary. Failing to field a candidate in the November runoff could depress Republican turnout throughout the state.

Trump said opposition to the law in California “has sparked a rebellion.” Ten counties and three dozen cities have supported the administra­tion’s anti-sanctuary stance, nearly all of them in conservati­ve parts of Southern California and the Central Valley.

“There’s a lot of people who are really fed up with what’s going on. It’s not just Republican­s,” Assemblywo­man Melissa Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore (Riverside County), who sat next to Trump, said in an interview afterward. “I have a lot of Democrats who write to me and say, ‘What in the world are you doing (on sanctuary laws)?’ ”

Some GOP leaders hope a November ballot measure to reverse California’s 12-centper-gallon increase in the gas tax could bring out their voters. But Shawn Steel, an Orange County attorney who is a member of the Republican National Committee, said that while an anti-gas-tax campaign “is certainly a spark” to bring out GOP voters, “the prairie fire is sanctuary.”

Trump repeated his suggestion Wednesday that Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf be investigat­ed by the Justice Department for alleged obstructio­n of justice for her warning statement ahead of a federal immigratio­n sweep in Northern California. When Trump first raised the idea in April, a Schaaf spokesman responded that “sharing informatio­n about rights, responsibi­lities and resources is legal and appropriat­e.”

Wednesday’s meeting was full of praise for Trump — Lassen County District Attorney Stacey Montgomery told the president that he was “loved” in the Northern California county, which he carried in 2016 with 72 percent of the vote.

But Melendez said, “The value for the rest of the country who was watching, and the California­ns back home, was they see that they were not alone.

“There are lot of people in California who are sympatheti­c to the plight of immigrants,” Melendez said. “But they don’t want to be a sanctuary state.”

Gov. Jerry Brown, whose name was frequently invoked during the White House meeting in less-than-friendly terms, said afterward that he was “not impressed.”

“Trump is lying on immigratio­n, lying about crime and lying about the laws of California,” Brown said in a statement. “Flying in a dozen Republican politician­s to flatter him and praise his reckless policies changes nothing. We, the citizens of the fifth-largest economy in the world, are not impressed.”

State Sen. Kevin de León, D-Los Angeles, the author of the state’s main sanctuary law, said the politician­s who attended the meeting “are turning their backs on California and the people they represent. They’ve become useful props to Trump and what he’s trying to do to divide us. This is purely a play for (Republican­s) to get out their base.”

Several of those at the meeting cited anecdotes of undocument­ed immigrants committing crimes in their jurisdicti­ons as evidence of the wrongheade­dness of laws that make it harder to deport such immigrants.

“We’re taking people out of the country — you wouldn’t believe how bad these people are,” Trump said. “These aren’t people. These are animals.”

For Republican­s to convince swing voters on the sanctuary issue, linking it to the fear of crime will be key, said Matt Barreto, a professor of Chicano and Latino studies at UCLA and co-founder of the Latino Decisions polling firm. Advocates of sanctuary laws can point to findings such as one from the nonpartisa­n fact-checking site Politifact, which said, “Several studies have found that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born individual­s.”

Barreto said, “You have to convince people that they have a law-and-order problem — and right now you’re not seeing a lot of voters pulling out their hair about immigrants killing people. Right now, this looks like the typical Trump playbook: You call out these racial dog-whistle political issues to get out your base. But I don’t know if that’s going to be enough in California.”

 ?? Olivier Douliery / Bloomberg ?? President Trump meets at the White House with local leaders from conservati­ve spots in California to denounce the state’s sanctuary laws, an issue expected to fire up GOP voters in the state.
Olivier Douliery / Bloomberg President Trump meets at the White House with local leaders from conservati­ve spots in California to denounce the state’s sanctuary laws, an issue expected to fire up GOP voters in the state.

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