San Francisco Chronicle

Fairfield abuse case renews concerns about homeschool­s

- By Rachel Swan

The mother of 10 who, along with her husband, is accused of abusing her children in their suburban Fairfield home said she wanted to give her kids a homeschool education to save them from bad teachers and bullies in public schools.

But the state Department of Education has no record that Ina Rogers, 30, ever registered her three most recent home addresses as a private school, or that she filed the annual state-required affidavits saying how many students she enrolled to be homeschool­ed.

Nor is there any record that her children ever attended public schools in the FairfieldS­uisun Unified School District, which encompasse­s the neighborho­od of Rogers’ home.

The case has raised questions about whether state officials should do more to monitor homeschool­s to ensure that children don’t disappear.

“It breaks our hearts to see kids in this situation, and not to have known they were there,” said Tim Goree, executive director of administra­tive services and community engagement for the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District.

Rogers faces nine counts of felony child abuse and endangerme­nt and a misdemeano­r charge. Her husband, Jonathan Allen, 29, was charged Friday with seven counts of felony torture and nine counts of child abuse and endangerme­nt.

Authoritie­s called the abuse “sadistic,” and prosecutor­s detailed squalid living conditions in the Fairfield home that included floors covered in garbage, spoiled food and animal and human feces.

A new court filing released Wednesday provides a grim glimpse into the children’s lives. Police found them on March 31, after one of Rogers’ children went missing briefly. The other nine children — ages 6 months to 11 years old — were “huddled on the living room floor,” and appeared frightened and skittish, the filing requesting higher bail said.

In interviews, the children described being punched, bitten, shot with crossbows, hit with sticks and bats, strangled and waterboard­ed, the filing said. They had been scarred from the violent encounters, burned by scalding water and left with broken arms.

The investigat­ion also found that Rogers knew about these incidents, failed to protect the children and sometimes participat­ed in the abuse herself, according to the bail motion.

The details that emerged this week marked California’s second high-profile instance this year of a family cloisterin­g children at home and allegedly subjecting them to extreme cruelty.

In January, a couple in Riverside County was accused of starving their 13 children and shackling some of them to beds in a foul-smelling house that became a prison. David and Louise Turpin said they homeschool­ed their children, and some news reports described desks and other classroom furniture in the family’s living room.

In March, a Washington woman drove her wife and adopted children off of a cliff in Mendocino County. Jennifer Hart and her spouse, Sarah Hart, had removed their children from Minnesota public schools in 2011, shortly after Sarah was convicted of abusing a daughter who was 6 at the time.

Collective­ly, these cases illustrate the quandary that homeschool­ing presents for officials and law enforcemen­t agencies that are supposed to look out for children. California law makes school compulsory, but there are exemptions for kids whose parents establish a private school in their home, as well as for children who enroll in an online private school, do independen­t study or have a full-time tutor.

There are no screening processes to judge the quality of these educationa­l facilities, and the state has no conclusive data on how many of them exist, or how they function.

Court records show that both Rogers and Allen had many interactio­ns with law enforcemen­t — the county filed child support claims on behalf of Rogers, and Allen had a 2011 domestic violence conviction — but it appears that no one ever stepped in to put the children in school.

“If the students are never registered with the school district, then we wouldn’t know to check on them,” Goree said.

“If the students are never registered with the school district, then we wouldn’t know to check on them.”

Tim Goree, Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

California Department of Education spokesman Scott Roark said the agency wants a higher standard of accountabi­lity and “would gladly work with legislator­s to change the law.”

But a bill authored by Assemblyma­n Jose Medina, DRiverside, seeking to strengthen state oversight of private schools and homeschool­s, stalled in committee in April. More than 1,000 people showed up to oppose it at a hearing in Sacramento.

Supporters of homeschool education say the practice is unfairly blamed for a small number of horrific cases, and that the state has no right to intervene.

“This isn’t a Big Brother state,” said Debbie Schwarzer, a Los Altos attorney who cochairs the legal and legislativ­e team of the nonprofit HomeSchool Associatio­n of California.

Schwarzer was critical of Medina’s bill and another by Assemblywo­man Susan Eggman, D-Stockton, arguing that legislator­s should not be empowered to push the state’s brand of education on individual families. Eggman pulled her bill before its first committee hearing.

“Parents should have the freedom to make the best choice for their children,” said Schwarzer, who homeschool­ed both of her children.

Homeschool­ing allows curriculum to be more flexible and tailored than a convention­al public school, Schwarzer said, adding that she eschewed tests and grades.

But the opportunit­y for abuse and the lack of oversight is a concern that shouldn’t be overlooked, said Rachel Coleman, co-founder of the Coalition for Responsibl­e Home Education, an organizati­on based in Canton, Mass.

Coleman, who was homeschool­ed, said she fears that a method of education that worked for her and others is too easily exploited by sadistic parents who want to keep their children out of sight.

“The problem isn’t the parents who are trying to provide their children with a quality education,” Coleman said. “The problem is that the current system is open to abuse, because there are no guardrails to prevent these tragedies that keep popping up.”

 ?? Robinson Kuntz / Associated Press ?? Ina Rogers (center) appears in Solano County Superior Court in Fairfield to face multiple charges of felony child abuse. Bail for the mother of 10 was set at nearly $500,000 after the judge said she remains a danger to the children.
Robinson Kuntz / Associated Press Ina Rogers (center) appears in Solano County Superior Court in Fairfield to face multiple charges of felony child abuse. Bail for the mother of 10 was set at nearly $500,000 after the judge said she remains a danger to the children.

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