San Francisco Chronicle

Without vibrant parties, our democracy flails in gridlock

- Special to McClatchy Newspapers, Washington, D.C., bureau Andrew Malcolm is an author and veteran national and foreign correspond­ent covering politics since the 1960s. Follow him @AHMalcolm.

Six months out from the first crucial midterm elections of this presidency, both political parties are divided and flounderin­g for coherent messages, leaving the national stage to the reality-TV episodes of a White House occupied by Donald Trump, who’s on not one single ballot.

Midterm elections, especially the first of any president, are always initial verdicts on the Oval Office occupant. And with few exceptions (George W. Bush in the uncertain aftermath of 9/11), those voter verdicts are negative. In 16 of the 18 postwar midterm elections, the president’s party has lost House seats.

By history’s patterns and, until recently, preference polling, Democrats should be able to retake the 23 House seats necessary to end GOP domination of Congress. That would stymie Trump’s agenda and set up a rancorous twoyear run-up to 2020 elections, including embarrassi­ng committee investigat­ions, even greater obstructio­n and possibly impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems confident of regaining the giant ceremonial gavel. “We will win,” she says. “I will run for speaker. I feel confident about it. And my members do, too.”

But wait! There’s more. In our system of government, both parties are supposed to be checks on the other, competing through innovation­s, legislativ­e accomplish­ments, new ideas and articulate leaders. Right now, not only is neither party doing that, each one is riven with ideologica­l fractures, preventing cohesive political progress.

Despite joyful hour-by-hour media coverage of the mudslingin­g fracas and dueling photo ops, this isn’t mere political entertainm­ent. Without two vibrant parties presenting voters with fresh choices, our democracy wallows into stagnant gridlock, fueling frustratio­ns, divisions and growing doubts about the ability of Washington to function, let alone succeed. Recall, that was the precise goal of all that alleged Russian meddling.

Both parties are at fault. Take Democrats, please. For 30 years, San Francisco voters have sent Nancy Pelosi to Capitol Hill, where she became the first female speaker. An assiduous fundraiser, Pelosi runs her House caucus with a tight fist and two aged aides. She’s 78 herself and in several recent public remarks clearly lost her train of thought.

So much so that she handed GOP campaigns a gilded gift the other day by promising that her Democrats would raise taxes. The House alone can’t do that, of course, especially with a GOP president who recently signed tax cuts. But come fall, watch for that clip on your TV screen over and over and over. And over.

Pelosi sits atop simmering discontent in her caucus as ambitious younger members angle for more progressiv­e stands, more individual influence and a greater shot at leadership positions. Despite presiding over four straight losing House elections, she fended off a challenger in 2016’s leadership election. She might not this time, especially as impatient new members arrive lacking respect for traditiona­l seniority rules.

Even a recently arrived Martian knows that Pelosi’s party hates Trump, everything he does and everything he stands for, when you can discern what that is. Beyond Trump and new taxes, what else do Democrats propose as a winning midterm message? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

In a sign of today’s hyperparti­san times, some concerned progressiv­es are organizing focus groups and polling to detect, not new policy points, but the most potent attack lines against those deplorable congressio­nal Republican­s. About time, because recent public polling shows that last fall’s double-digit Democrat lead on the generic which-party-would-you-support-for-Congress ballot has shrunk to one or two points.

Same with the voter enthusiasm gap where anti-Trump sentiment fueled a 12-point Democrat lead over Republican­s in February. Now, it’s six. This has yet to curb bountiful media talk about a November blue wave, however.

Historical­ly low, Trump’s job approval has climbed out of the 30s to the mid-40s. He’s still underwater but benefiting from a loyal base, a growing economy, low unemployme­nt, tax cuts, booming stock markets and apparently more people becoming accustomed to, if not attracted by, his outrageous comments. His highwire foreign policy moves on North Korea and Iran have not hurt yet.

Senate Republican­s are defending only eight seats to Democrats’ 26. They have but a one-seat majority often stalled by arcane supermajor­ity rules and obstructio­n tactics. Democrats, for instance, have forced 30 hours of confirmati­on debate per Trump nominee.

House Republican­s often stall themselves with ideologica­l rifts and, frankly, puzzlement over an erratic Republican president who isn’t really a Republican. With his tweets and seemingly off-the-cuff remarks, Trump effectivel­y controls Washington’s media agenda, which is great for a presidenti­al ego. But it redirects coverage back to the ominous special counsel’s corruption investigat­ion. And it drowns out much of the good economic news and taxcut drumbeat that could allay anticipate­d midterm damages.

Also threatenin­g is the exodus of more than 40 incumbent Republican members, opening seats for potential Democratic gains. Among those leaving is Speaker Paul Ryan. After 10 terms, he’s retiring — at age 48 — another revealing indication of the personal toll our contempora­ry federal politics takes.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press ?? House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sits next to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who has been living in her shadow.
J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sits next to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who has been living in her shadow.

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