San Francisco Chronicle

Prioritize transit- oriented housing


It is painfully evident that California is experienci­ng an extreme housing shortage, and I believe the solution is to build more housing, not to punish small landlords who are already providing solutions. If the Costa- Hawkins Rental Housing Act is repealed and new constructi­on falls under rent control, many developers may simply exit the market, which would further exacerbate the problem.

Let’s make transit- oriented dense developmen­t easier to permit and build and solve our housing crisis and address global warming at the same time.

Bhima Sheridan, Berkeley

Money for needles

I have a modest proposal to help solve the problem of discarded needles on the streets. When needles are provided, ask for a small deposit to be returned to the user when the needles are returned. I don’t know the appropriat­e amount — $ 1, 25 cents? Whatever. I suspect that users would be happy to recover the amount and might even pick up extra needles off the street to return. Seems like a win- win situation to me.

Lona Jupiter, San Francisco

‘ Bay to Boozers’

Here’s what I like about the annual Bay to Breakers run: the creative costumes ( including the centipedes), the camaraderi­e and the diversity of the participan­ts. Here’s what I don’t like about this race: the gratuitous nudity, the drinking and the intoxicati­on of some participan­ts. And with the 106th edition of this race offering beer to those who run an extra 3- kilometer loop at the Great Highway, perhaps it should be called “Bay to Boozers.”

Dorothy Van Horne, San Francisco

Avoid the fast food

Regarding “The great french fry famine?” ( Daily Briefing, Business, May 18): Anyone concerned with their overall health should not be disappoint­ed that fast- food giants like Jack in the Box are realizing less profits due to the increased cost of potatoes used to make their french fries. These fries are loaded with trans fat, which contribute­s to diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Although I used to laugh when my mother warned my teenage self that greasy fast- food burgers and fries were a “heart attack on a platter,” my 50somethin­g adult self isn’t laughing about nutrition anymore.

Herman Rivera, San Jose

Focus on proposals

Regarding “Gaming the vote” ( Editorial, May 11) and “Kim, Leno unite against Breed in ranked choice” ( May 11): Last week, former state Sen. Mark Leno and Supervisor Jane Kim released a unique and refreshing mayoral political advertisem­ent that San Francisco voters have never seen before: two candidates running for the same office stating their respect and support for each other and standing together against negative personal attack ads targeting one of them.

As a former mayor of San Francisco, I was dismayed that The Chronicle responded immediatel­y with a meanspirit­ed editorial accusing Leno and Kim of trying to “game the system.” Crossing the line between reporting and editoriali­zing, The Chronicle further mischaract­erized Leno and Kim’s mutual second- place endorsemen­ts of each other as “intensifyi­ng an ‘ anyone but London Breed’ campaign.”

In the final days of this important election, let us all focus on the proposals of the candidates so we can be informed voters and help decide the best future for our city.

Former Mayor Art Agnos, San Francisco

Leader of the NRA

So retired Lt. Col. Oliver North is the new leader of the National Rifle Associatio­n. North is a decorated member of the Marine Corps, a Vietnam War veteran, and he hosted a TV series about the great battles of history. He witnessed the brutal loss of life in wartime and saw the full effects of what guns and other weaponry can do. I’ll bet the lieutenant colonel has strong opinions about gun control and the Second Amendment. Hopefully, his wartime experience will shape his policies and speeches as head of the NRA. Hopefully, the lieutenant colonel will be a voice of moderation, open to honest discussion about the crisis facing this country. Hopefully, the lieutenant colonel will not follow the example of his predecesso­r, Charlton Heston, brandishin­g a rifle and shouting “from my cold, dead hands!”

Piers Lahey, Daly City

Ban annoying adults

Regarding “Ban the screaming children” ( Letters, May 17): The letter writer complains about “constant noise from very young children” ruining her flight. Most parents sympathize with other parents who have the chore of trying to keep their young ones quiet during a long flight, having been there themselves.

However, why single out children? More often than being annoyed by kids, we have been bedeviled by loud boisterous adults who appear to enjoy hearing themselves talk. Others like to lean back in their seats, taking up the 6 inches of leg room we are allotted. If we are going to ban noisy children on planes, let’s ban annoying idiotic adults as well.

Kenneth Jones, San Francisco

Supervisio­n of cops

Regarding “225 new S. F. cops in budget proposal” ( Page One, May 15): The article is illustrate­d on Page 9 with a picture of one cop presumably writing a ticket, while a second is staring at his cell phone and no fewer than three of them are standing on the sidewalk doing nothing.

The only times I ever see cops is when they hang out for hours in coffee shops. Not once have I seen a doublepark­ed Uber or Lyft being ticketed, to say nothing of serious traffic enforcemen­t of red- light runners or stop- sign violators. We don’t need 225 new cops. We need some supervisio­n of those already employed.

Agatha Hoff, San Francisco

 ?? Joel Pett / Lexington Herald- Leader ??
Joel Pett / Lexington Herald- Leader

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