San Francisco Chronicle

Madness of America’s gun culture

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The latest mass shooting at a school in Texas leaves me feeling both angry and helpless. I’m tired of hearing the endless prayers for those who’ve lost their lives because of our irresponsi­ble attitudes toward guns. How about praying for ending our fixation with guns? The U.S. has around 4 percent of the world’s population but more than 40 percent of the guns. If more guns were the answer, we ought to be the safest nation on the planet, which we are not. Indeed, research shows that the single variable that most accounts for mass shootings is the sheer number of guns in a society. Making kids more efficient at sheltering in place is solving the wrong problem precisely. We should be trying to eliminate as many guns as possible from a society that is armed to the teeth.

Ian Mitroff, Oakland

Nationwide strike

Here we go again — another school shooting. I wonder when the idiots in Congress are going to get some backbone and do something about gun violence in this country? Well, I am not going to hold my breath, so I have one suggestion. I strongly urge that all school students throughout this country stay home until such time that those spineless bastards in Congress do something meaningful. Hopefully, a nationwide strike would get the ball rolling in this matter.

Irving Waldorf, San Francisco

Prayers and promises

Regarding the shooting at Santa Fe High School: Prayers and promises from our elected officials come after every school shooting. They pray for the slain and the survivors and promise to do everything humanly possible to prevent this from happening again. For all you elected officials that stand against gun control legislatio­n and are running for re-election, we pray that you have the courage to change your stance or we promise that we will have the courage to vote you out of office.

Stanley Farkas, Cupertino

Shortsight­ed policy

Regarding “Noncrimina­l immigrant arrests soar” (Bay Area, May 18) and “California birthrate drops again in 2017” (Bay Area, May 18): Can’t help but note the irony about the drop in births and stepped-up roundup and deportatio­n of undocument­ed immigrants. If the concern is a top-heavy retirement-aged population with not enough workers contributi­ng the Social Security system, it seems to me rather shortsight­ed to be removing decent, willing to work (hard) undocument­ed people out of the country. Included in this community would be the already proven well-assimilate­d Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals folks. I understand the need to rid the country of criminal elements, but I’m wondering if throwing the baby out with the bathwater is a sensible policy.

Roger Levy, Tiburon

Typical authoritar­ian

Concerning “Dangerous delusions” (Editorial, May 18): President Trump is a typical authoritar­ian. Blame a group or groups (Latinos, Muslims, journalist­s, etc.) for all the problems the country and its citizens are having. And have a very well-organized propaganda machine (Fox News, conservati­ve talk radio, some GOP lawmakers) putting on the brainwashe­r, 24/7. Then add a lot of weak-minded or desperate citizens who are convinced this is why there lives are so bad by this constant barrage of lies and you have the situation our country is facing.

The best comparison is Germany in the 1930s — i.e., the Jewish people are the cause of all the country’s problems. It’s been said before that if you keep telling a lie over and over again, people will believe that it is the truth. And while the brainwashe­r doesn’t work on me, it does work on a lot of people in this country. Please, people, think for yourselves!

Rocky Fort, San Lorenzo

Expand the ban

Regarding “Ban the screaming children” (Letters, May 17): A letter writer proposes that airlines should ban screaming babies and toddlers. I could not agree more. Many of my flights have been disturbed by disruptive children. Admittedly, they were usually my own children. While we are at it, I hope we will ban those noisy adults who can be heard over the roar of the engines the entire flight. And ban those who wear too much cologne or smell like smokers or haven’t bathed lately. And ban those who take the armrest as their personal property. And ban rude people. And I’m sure there are more we need to ban. I look forward to those peaceful flights ahead the letter writer and myself will enjoy along with possibly a flight attendant and, hopefully, a nice quiet pilot.

Jean Wolitzer, Livermore

Wear a flak jacket

So as not to offend the National Rifle Associatio­n and its members, I’d suggest it be mandatory that all schoolchil­dren wear flak jackets and helmets while in school and a machine gun be set up alongside the teacher’s desk. This is certainly more practical than trying to pass sensible gun legislatio­n.

Ferdinand Phillips, Mill Valley

Sharing the city

I find it amusing yet frustratin­g that both pedestrian­s and drivers find fault with people on bicycles and scooters, either for using the road, the sidewalk or “taking up space” with bike lanes. We need to support good, safe infrastruc­ture for all if San Francisco is to be enjoyable and safe to get around in. The San Francisco Municipal Transporta­tion Agency still has a long way to go to ensure a safe ride for everyone — but, in any case, we will always be sharing the city with each other. Let’s do so generously.

Laura Joosse, San Francisco

 ?? Scott Olson / Getty Images ?? Art imitates life at an installati­on of mock AR-15s in Chicago’s Daley Plaza.
Scott Olson / Getty Images Art imitates life at an installati­on of mock AR-15s in Chicago’s Daley Plaza.

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