San Francisco Chronicle

Chemical industry lawyer to head Superfund panel

- By Michael Biesecker Michael Biesecker is an Associated Press writer.

WASHINGTON — A lawyer tapped to lead a task force at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency overseeing cleanups at the nation’s most polluted places worked until recently for a top chemical and plastics manufactur­er with a troubled legacy of creating some of those toxic sites.

Steven Cook has been named as the new chair of the Superfund Task Force, which EPA Administra­tor Scott Pruitt created last year to revamp how the agency oversees cleanups at the more than 1,300 toxic sites.

Before beginning work in February as deputy assistant administra­tor for EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management, Cook served more than 20 years as in-house corporate counsel for LyondellBa­sell Industries — one of the world’s largest plastics, chemicals and refining companies.

EPA records show that LyondellBa­sell and its subsidiari­es are listed as being potentiall­y responsibl­e for at least three dozen Superfund polluted sites.

An analysis by the Associated Press shows that nearly half the political appointees hired at EPA under President Trump have industry ties. Of more than 60 EPA hires tracked by the AP over the last year, about one-third worked as registered lobbyists or lawyers for chemical manufactur­ers, fossil fuel producers or other EPAregulat­ed companies.

Trump promised as a presidenti­al candidate to drain the swamp in Washington. An executive order signed two weeks after his inaugurati­on bars former lobbyists and corporate lawyers from participat­ing in any matter they worked on for private clients within two years of going to work for the government.

After a request by the Associated Press, EPA provided a copy of an April 20 memo Cook signed recusing himself from participat­ing in regulatory matters involving LyondellBa­sell.

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