San Francisco Chronicle

Chemo not needed for many breast cancer patients

- By Marilynn Marchione Marilynn Marchione is an Associated Press writer.

CHICAGO — Most women with a common form of early stage breast cancer can safely skip chemothera­py without hurting their chances of beating the disease, doctors are reporting from a landmark study that used genetic testing to gauge each patient’s risk.

The study is the largest ever done of breast cancer treatment, and the results are expected to spare up to 70,000 patients a year in the United States and many more elsewhere the ordeal and expense of these drugs.

“The impact is tremendous,” said the study leader, Dr. Joseph Sparano of Montefiore Medical Center in New York. Most women in this situation don’t need treatment beyond surgery and hormone therapy, he said.

The study was funded by the National Cancer Institute, foundation­s and proceeds from the U.S. breast cancer postage stamp. Results were discussed Sunday at a cancer conference in Chicago and published by the New England Journal of Medicine.

Cancer care has been evolving away from chemothera­py — older drugs with harsh side effects — in favor of gene-targeting therapies, hormone blockers and immune system treatments. When chemo is used now, it’s sometimes for shorter periods or lower doses than it once was.

The breast cancer study focused on cases where chemo’s value increasing­ly is in doubt: women with early stage disease that has not spread to lymph nodes, is hormone-positive (meaning its growth is fueled by estrogen or progestero­ne) and is not the type that the drug Herceptin targets.

The usual treatment is surgery followed by years of a hormoneblo­cking drug. But many women also are urged to have chemo to help kill any stray cancer cells. Doctors know that most don’t need it, but evidence is thin on who can forgo it.

The study gave 10,273 patients a test called Oncotype DX, which uses a biopsy sample to measure the activity of genes involved in cell growth and response to hormone therapy, to estimate the risk that a cancer will recur.

About 17 percent of women had high-risk scores and were advised to have chemo. The 16 percent with low-risk scores now know they can skip chemo, based on earlier results from this study.

The new results are on the 67 percent of women at intermedia­te risk. All had surgery and hormone therapy, and half also got chemo. After nine years, 94 percent of both groups were still alive, and about 84 percent were alive without signs of cancer, so adding chemo made no difference.

All women like those in the study should get gene testing to guide their care, said Dr. Richard Schilsky, chief medical officer of the oncology society. Oncotype DX costs around $4,000, which Medicare and many insurers cover.

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