San Francisco Chronicle

Delayed rulings suggest justices deadlocked

- By David G. Savage David G. Savage is a Los Angeles Times writer.

WASHINGTON — After failing to fully resolve two difficult cases this term, the Supreme Court signaled Monday that it was still not ready to decide when a Christian shop owner can refuse service to a same-sex wedding and whether some states have gone too far in gerrymande­ring their election maps for partisan advantage.

The justices said they would not yet accept two similar cases next year, sending them back to lower courts to be reconsider­ed under the hazy standards recently issued by the high court. The brief orders suggest the justices are essentiall­y deadlocked on both issues for now.

Justice Anthony Kennedy usually acts as the tie breaker in the close cases, but he apparently declined this month to decide on the constituti­onality of partisan gerrymande­ring or whether store owners have a right to an exemption from a state civil rights law that requires equal treatment for all customers, including gays and lesbians.

The court sent back a pending appeal from a florist in Richland, Wash., who was convicted of violating the state’s civil rights law for refusing to provide a floral arrangemen­t for a wedding of two men. The court’s one-line order on Monday said Washington state judges should reconsider the case “in light of Masterpiec­e Cakeshop vs. Colorado.” In that case, the justices by a 7-2 vote, ruled narrowly for a Colorado baker, but without deciding whether he had a right to refuse service to two men who were preparing to celebrate their marriage. Instead, the court ruled only that members of the state civil rights commission made comments that reflected a “hostility to religion.”

Lawyers for Alliance Defending Freedom had filed a similar appeal in the case from the state of Washington.

They described Barronelle Stutzman, the owner of Arlene’s Flowers, as a 72-year-old grandmothe­r and a “floral design artist.” She said she had known Robert Ingersoll, but said she told him she could not help with his impending wedding “because of my relationsh­ip with Jesus Christ.”

Meanwhile, North Carolina Republican­s had appealed a federal ruling that struck down the state’s congressio­nal districts. The map gave the GOP a lopsided 10-3 margin in its delegation to the House of Representa­tives.

But rather than decide the appeal, the justices said the lower court should reconsider the case “in light of Gill vs. Whitford,” a Wisconsin case in which the justices said only that the plaintiffs did not have standing to seek a statewide order because they lived in just a few districts.

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