San Francisco Chronicle

Whooping crane population rising from near extinction

- By Janet McConnaugh­ey Janet McConnaugh­ey is an Associated Press writer.

JEFFERSON DAVIS PARISH, La. — In a southwest Louisiana crawfish pond, two endangered whooping crane chicks peck about for crawfish, insects, plants and other food. They’re only 2 months old, but they dwarf the full-grown great egrets nearby. Their tall white parents bugle alarm at an ATV and people across the pond, and all four cranes move farther away.

Across the state in New Orleans, a downy captive-bred brown chick scampers after a keeper whose white costume looks like a Halloween ghost. She bends over and uses a crane puppet-head to pick up an insect and pass it to the chick.

The chicks — both those in the wild and captivity — are part of generation­s of work to bring back the birds, which barely escaped extinction in the 1940s. This year, Louisiana scientists are celebratin­g a milestone — five chicks born in the wild. That’s the highest number of hatchlings in Louisiana’s wilds since scientists started reintroduc­ing the birds there in 2011.

“We’re excited,” said Sara Zimorski, a biologist with Louisiana’s Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

Biologists estimate more than 10,000 whooping cranes lived in North America before habitat loss and too much hunting nearly killed them off. The birds can grow as tall as 5 feet with black-tipped wings that span nearly 7 feet. Their bodies are covered with soft, white feathers; colored skin on their heads forms a black mask and red cap.

Their numbers dwindled to 21 in the 1940s, including a handful in Louisiana. That’s grown to 670 today — about 510 in the wild, the rest in captivity.

“Whooping cranes are native to Louisiana. We used to have them here, all over the place, and most people don’t even know what they look like anymore, which is rather sad,” said Heather Holtz, a crane keeper at the Audubon Nature Institute’s Species Survival Center.

The only truly wild flock migrates between Texas and Alberta, Canada, and makes up about two-thirds of all birds in the wild. Scientists worried they were vulnerable to being wiped out by a natural disaster or other event, so they’re raising birds in captivity and releasing them in Louisiana and Wisconsin.

Sixty-four adult birds and five chicks live in the wild in Louisiana. But only six — this year’s chicks and one hatched last year — were born there. The rest were raised in captivity.

Captive-raised birds were released on state-owned wetlands in southwest Louisiana and spread out from there. About half settled around crawfish ponds, scientists say, possibly because that offers easy access to foods they like and a broad view to watch for predators such as bobcats, coyotes, mink and bald eagles.

 ?? Gerald Herbert / Associated Press ?? Two whooping cranes, with a pair of recently born chicks, forage with an egret last month at a pond in Jefferson Davis Parish.
Gerald Herbert / Associated Press Two whooping cranes, with a pair of recently born chicks, forage with an egret last month at a pond in Jefferson Davis Parish.

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