San Francisco Chronicle

California’s missing school data

- Dan Walters is a columnist for CALmatters.

Knowledge, it’s been said, is power. It’s especially true in politics, whose insiders joust constantly among themselves and with outsiders, including the media and the voting public, over access to informatio­n.

One of California’s more important arenas of info-war is public education.

We California­ns spend at least $100 billion in taxpayer money each year on educating 6 million elementary and secondary students, and several million more in community colleges, state universiti­es and the University of California.

However, informatio­n on how well those millions of mostly young California­ns are being educated is at best scattered among several non-integrated data systems and at worst not available anywhere.

As a new state Senate report points out, “Currently, 38 out of the 50 states maintain a longitudin­al data system that records academic, demographi­c, assessment-oriented and programmat­ic informatio­n that follows students from early education to postsecond­ary education and often into the workforce.” California isn’t one of them. The education establishm­ent and its political allies are not eager to disturb the status quo of ignorance.

That reluctance has been obvious in efforts by the state Board of Education and state schools Superinten­dent Tom Torlakson to fashion a supposed “accountabi­lity” system for K-12 education that’s a confusing mishmash of often trivial factors and minimizes the most important one, academic achievemen­t.

Civil rights and education reform groups have pressed for more data to determine whether the state’s efforts to close the “achievemen­t gap” that afflicts poor and English-learner students are working, or whether billions of extra dollars to help them are being squandered.

As the state Senate report on a longitudin­al data system was being issued for a hearing on the issue last week, Children Now, one of those civil rights/education reform groups, was pressing Torlakson and the state board to “effectivel­y monitor the outcomes of all students and determine if gaps in achievemen­t are closing or not.”

But the education establishm­ent, which also includes the California Teachers Associatio­n and Gov. Jerry Brown, has resisted such demands.

Why? Perhaps, it’s because a longitudin­al system might reveal that his Local Control Funding Formula, which provides extra money to help lowachievi­ng kids, isn’t working.

The Senate hearing was conducted by its Select Committee on Student Success, chaired by Sen. Steve Glazer, an Orinda Democrat. He’s carrying a bill to authorize a data collection system, but it’s stalled for the year — in part, at least, because of Brown’s reluctance to act.

However, Brown’s almost certain successor, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, is on record as supporting a longitudin­al system.

“This is profoundly important, and it gets lost because you don’t usually get celebrated for your IT upgrades,” Newsom said at a public forum in March.

We’ll see whether he’s willing to buck the education establishm­ent, much of which is supporting his candidacy.

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