San Francisco Chronicle

Dealing with fallout from fires

Mendocino Complex: Next time, Verizon pledges, no limits to firefighte­rs’ data

- By Kevin Fagan

SACRAMENTO — Verizon executives came to the Capitol on Friday to get a tongue lashing over the cell phone giant’s throttling of data service for firefighte­rs battling the massive Mendocino Complex fire — but en route they nipped the scolding in the bud by abruptly lifting all data caps on emergency first responders.

The policy went into effect for fire-ravaged California and Hurricane Lane-lashed Hawaii on Thursday, the company said, and a fuller plan for the rest of the nation will be rolled out next week. Public agencies will be able to switch to the new plan at no additional cost.

“It was a little surprising to hear, and the right thing to do,” said Assemblyma­n Marc Levine,

D-San Rafael, who had called for a hearing Friday before the committee he co-chairs to investigat­e Verizon’s decision to drasticall­y slow data speed. A firefighti­ng agency said that move put their first responders in danger because they were relying on the service to communicat­e during the fight against the fires.

Levine’s committee went ahead with its session anyway, hearing from Verizon brass as well as leaders of the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District, whose data was throttled last month as they were in the thick of helping fight the Mendocino Complex, the biggest wildfire in state history. But with Verizon’s surprise announceme­nt, the conversati­on switched from how to address the individual problem that the Santa Clara County firefighte­rs faced to how to craft future policy preventing similar trouble for other emergency responders.

“I’ll make it brief — this is about safety, safety, safety,” said Assemblywo­man Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, D-Winters (Yolo County). “My district has been on fire for three years . ... Our main interest is in making sure this kind of thing never happens again.”

Rudi Reyes, a Verizon vice president, read a statement outlining the new policy, saying the company was “truly sorry ... and we are making an effort to make sure it never happens again.” He declined to comment after the hearing.

What emerged in the nearly two-hour session before the Select Committee on Natural Disaster, Response, Recovery and Rebuilding was a realizatio­n that there is no comprehens­ive policy dictating full service for first-responders, and that when things go bad, as they did for Santa Clara County’s firefighte­rs, there isn’t much else to do but call the customer service representa­tives any other customer would call, which could lead to frustratin­g waits.

“After hearing everything we did, my thoughts are now that in January we could introduce legislatio­n to prioritize first responders for unlimited data service with no caps, and to address the fact that there is really nobody to complain to,” Levine said after the session. “There needs to be accountabi­lity.”

The issue came to light this week in a court filing made by Santa Clara County Fire Chief Anthony Bowden in an addendum to a federal lawsuit over net neutrality. Bowden said his crews saw their Verizon data flow throttled to 1/200th of its usual speed during the Mendocino battle because they had exceeded a cap on what they thought was a fully unlimited plan. This rendered useless the live video streaming, strategic plan communicat­ions and other capabiliti­es of their command vehicle, he told the committee Friday, so his IT managers quickly came up with a workaround using other providers.

The need to do that workaround, however, followed two earlier throttling­s by Verizon during his crew’s work on 2017’s Thomas Fire and another blaze in June, and “I found the situation unacceptab­le,” he said.

Losing the ability to fully communicat­e during a wildfire puts both firefighte­rs and residents in danger, Bowden said in his court filing. On Friday, he reiterated that concern. “Our ability to connect is critical to being able to provide for the public safety,” he said.

The Santa Clara County fire district now uses both Verizon and AT&T, Bowden said, to ensure steady flow of data.

One source of the trouble, he contended, could be the fact that his agency — like other emergency responders — has to balance cost with need as they deal with limited budgets. Shopping for data plans may not have been necessary decades ago when pre-internet fire communicat­ions mostly consisted of dedicated radio transmissi­ons, but now department­s have to balance those costs with the existing costs of, say, firefighte­rs salaries.

“We don’t have unlimited funds. We have to select a plan that meets our needs, but one that is not too expensive,” Bowden told the committee.

He and his managers abruptly left the session as the Verizon executives got up to speak. When asked outside the chambers if he felt all the issues had been properly addressed, he said only, “I’m satisfied that I was given the opportunit­y to come speak.”

Also on Friday, several members of Congress weighed in on the controvers­y, sending a letter to the Federal Trade Commission demanding an investigat­ion into whether Verizon’s throttling amounted to “unfair or deceptive” practices.

The company had explained earlier in the week that the Santa Clara County firefighte­rs’ data plan was indeed “unlimited,” as firefighte­rs had called it, but that it also had a proviso that when the department reached a certain allotment the data would be slowed down drasticall­y. That had not been adequately explained to the department, managers admitted, and under company policy the throttling was supposed to be canceled in emergency situations — which mistakenly did not happen.

However, the letter to the FTC, signed by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco and 12 other representa­tives, didn’t find those explanatio­ns to be sufficient.

“It is unacceptab­le for communicat­ions providers to deceive their customers, but when the consumer in question is a government entity tasked with fire and emergency services, we can’t afford to wait a moment longer,” the Congress members wrote. “The FTC must investigat­e whether Verizon and other communicat­ions companies are being unfair or deceptive in the services they’re offering to public safety entities, and if so, to determine what remedies are appropriat­e to ensure our first responders have adequate service when lives are on the line.

“Unfortunat­ely, with its repeal of the 2015 Open Internet Order, the FCC has abdicated its jurisdicti­on over broadband communicat­ions and walked away from protecting consumers, including public safety agencies. We, therefore, call on the FTC to protect consumers from unfair or deceptive acts or practices stemming from this incident.”

 ?? Liz Moughon / The Chronicle ?? The Golden Gate Bridge is consumed in fog and smoke last month. Air quality is affected by fires up and down the coast.
Liz Moughon / The Chronicle The Golden Gate Bridge is consumed in fog and smoke last month. Air quality is affected by fires up and down the coast.
 ?? Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle ?? Verizon executives Rudy Reyes (left), David Hickey and Wes Senechal leave after answering questions from the Assembly Select Committee on Natural Disaster Response, Recovery, and Rebuilding about the company throttling the data of firefighte­rs.
Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle Verizon executives Rudy Reyes (left), David Hickey and Wes Senechal leave after answering questions from the Assembly Select Committee on Natural Disaster Response, Recovery, and Rebuilding about the company throttling the data of firefighte­rs.
 ?? Justin Sullivan / Getty Images ?? A firefighte­r monitors a back fire while battling the Mendocino Complex earlier this month. One agency that helped fight the blaze said the slowed data endangered its crews.
Justin Sullivan / Getty Images A firefighte­r monitors a back fire while battling the Mendocino Complex earlier this month. One agency that helped fight the blaze said the slowed data endangered its crews.

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