San Francisco Chronicle

Sessions’ resignatio­n


Jeff Sessions resigned — at President Trump’s request — as the attorney general of the United States. Sessions recused himself from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion into Russian interferen­ce and/or collusion in the 2016 election due to his past involvemen­t with Russian politician­s. Now, Matthew Whitaker takes over for Sessions, and he has problems of his own. He has already made hostile comments about the inquiry when he was not in charge.

There’s no need to imagine what he’ll do because he’s already explained it — cut the budget so low that the investigat­ion grinds to a halt with nothing resolved. We the people of the United States deserve a fair and impartial investigat­ion of Russian interferen­ce into our election system. Whitaker wants to deny us that knowledge. For this reason, Matthew Whitaker must recuse himself.

Christine Wolak, Dublin

Brave migrants

Regarding “Marchers flee deadly Central America to protect children” (Open Forum, Nov. 6): I hope our newly elected Democratic and Republican representa­tives in the House will be able to work with their colleagues in the Senate in a truly bipartisan effort to prod the entire membership of the United Nations to become an effective catalyst in ending the decades-long sufferings of the defenseles­s people of Central America.

The excellent Open Forum piece relates the very sad, true story about the brave migrants from Central America who risk their lives year in and year out in a desperate effort to protect their children from the constant threat of gang violence, the crushing poverty, the lack of educationa­l opportunit­ies for children beyond elementary school and the total failure of their government­s to stabilize the countries of Central America so that they are economical­ly viable. Leaders in this country, indeed, were responsibl­e — to a great extent — for the violence and economic instabilit­ies inflicted on the poor people in Central America and we all have known this for many years now. The migrants are not a mob coming to invade us.

Emily-Anne Lockard, San Francisco

Civic participat­ion

Nov. 7 came. You voted. You proudly wore your sticker. You’ve done your civic duty as an American, right? Wrong! I’ve heard a lot of people voicing their pride in voting and encouragin­g others to vote. That’s great! But voting is the bare minimum of civic participat­ion. One day every two years does not make an active citizen. Organize a group to debate solutions to the latest challenges we’re facing. Research an issue and write a letter to the editor or editorial on an issue important to you. Volunteer your time for a campaign and donate funds. The reality is that money and time buy votes. Your donation will buy more than the one vote you cast, increasing your civic influence.

Visit your elected officials, and perhaps more importantl­y, their staff, and tell them what matters to you. Even those in U.S. Congress often meet with constituen­ts. And the lower the office, the easier it is. Run for office. Even running against an unopposed incumbent forces that person to improve their stances on issues to earn the seat, which benefits the country.

Scott Schlimmer, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Senior services

Thank you California state Sen. Scott Wiener for “Plan needed for LGBTQ seniors” (Open Forum, Nov. 8). As more members of the LGBTQ community age, we will need longterm care facilities and other support services.

Many of us fear being mistreated by staff in such facilities due to our sexual orientatio­n and need advocates like Wiener to prevent such discrimina­tion. Unfortunat­ely, even non-senior LGBTQs are seeing a rise in hate crimes as businesses seek to deny us services under the guise of religious freedom. It’s tragic that our president doesn’t understand that all Americans, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientatio­n, deserve to be treated equally and with dignity. Sasha Englander, San Rafael

Mixed signals

So President Trump called for unity and bipartisan­ship after the Democrats gained control of the House of Representa­tives, but then threatened to assume a warlike posture if they should choose to investigat­e him? What will he do next, send soldiers to block the entrances of Congress if the Democrats schedule a vote for his impeachmen­t?

Jean Louis Cook, San Francisco

Stay a day ahead

Now that voters have authorized California to go its own way on daylight-saving time, here’s an idea: Let’s set our clocks forward exactly 24 hours. That way California will be a day ahead of the rest of the country (as in many ways it already is).

Jeff Carlock, Berkeley

Flexible phones

Regarding “Fold it like ... a phone?” (Daily Briefing, Business, Nov. 8): The new Samsung smartphone­s featuring flexible screens sound like a good idea.

Those of us who constantly misplace (or repeatedly drop) these costly devices with larger screens will now be able to fold them up to keep in our pockets. If only tech companies could also help those of us who are absent-minded or clumsy find our reading glasses and car keys, then that would truly be a reason to celebrate.

Agatha Abernathy, Palo Alto

Local BART hero

A heartfelt thank-you to our local hero Vincent Seals, the BART car cleaner who recently administer­ed CPR to a pulseless passenger and saved his life.

This is the most inspiring story I’ve read in a long time. I am filled with gratitude and admiration for Seals. We are all blessed to have him here with us in the Bay Area.

Elisabeth Ochs, San Francisco

 ??  ?? Jeff Sessions
Jeff Sessions

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