San Francisco Chronicle

Court rules ‘Dreamers’ program OK, can continue

- By Bob Egelko

An Obama administra­tion program protecting hundreds of thousands of young, undocument­ed immigrants from deportatio­n was legally establishe­d and remains in force despite President Trump’s order to abolish it, a federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled Thursday, three days after the Justice Department asked the Supreme Court to take the case out of the appellate courts’ hands.

In a 3-0 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the Trump administra­tion’s two central claims in the case: that President Barack Obama acted illegally in creating the program known as DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, and that courts had no authority to review last year’s decision to eliminate the program.

“The government may not simultaneo­usly

both assert that its actions are legally compelled, based on its interpreta­tion of the law, and avoid review of that assertion by the judicial branch,” Judge Kim Wardlaw said in a decision upholding a San Francisco federal judge’s order in January keeping DACA in effect for nearly 700,000 immigrants.

The court also refused to dismiss claims by the immigrants and their supporters that Trump’s action was motivated by racism against Latinos, who make up 93 percent of DACA recipients.

Obama establishe­d DACA by executive order in 2012 after Congress rejected legislatio­n to overhaul the nation’s immigratio­n system. The program is available to immigrants who entered the U.S. without authorizat­ion before age 16, have lived in the country for five years, attended school or served in the military, and have no serious criminal records. They are eligible for renewable two-year reprieves from deportatio­n and for work permits.

The Trump administra­tion argued that Obama had no authority to protect a class of unauthoriz­ed immigrants from deportatio­n after Congress had refused to act. But the appeals court said the government has the power to allocate resources and set priorities for deportatio­ns, and has a long history of granting “deferred action” to immigrants who pose minimal risks.

President Dwight Eisenhower granted protection­s in 1956 to more than 30,000 Hungarians who would have been otherwise ineligible to enter the United States, and Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush later took similar actions for children and spouses of newly legalized immigrants, Wardlaw said. She noted that the existence of a long-standing, secretive policy of deferred action in sympatheti­c cases was revealed in the mid-1970s when the Beatles’ John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, were spared from deportatio­n over Lennon’s past conviction for marijuana possession.

“Deferred action has been a feature of our immigratio­n system ... and has been recognized as a practical reality by both Congress and the courts,” Wardlaw said. “We therefore conclude that DACA was a permissibl­e exercise of executive discretion.”

Wardlaw said the administra­tion may be able to rescind the program legally if it provides a rational explanatio­n for its decision and refutes the claim of racial motivation.

Trump had ordered terminatio­n of the program in March. In January, U.S. District Judge William Alsup of San Francisco issued a nationwide injunction keeping DACA in place. Alsup said the president had offered “no reasoned explanatio­n” for eliminatin­g the program, and also noted that Trump had made disparagin­g comments about Latinos, including his descriptio­n of Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers.

Similar cases are pending before federal appeals courts in New York and Washington, D.C. On Monday, the Justice Department asked the Supreme Court to take the rare step of bypassing those courts and granting immediate review of the legality of rescinding DACA, for a ruling in the term that ends next June.

If the court grants immediate review, it will effectivel­y nullify Thursday’s ruling. Otherwise, the Trump administra­tion can still appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court, putting off a final decision for another year.

The White House declined to comment on the ruling. Lawyers for the plaintiffs, who included DACA recipients, California and other states, and the University of California, praised the court.

The decision is “a tremendous victory for our young immigrant ‘Dreamers’ and the rule of law,” said state Attorney General Xavier Becerra, using a term for participan­ts in the program.

“This administra­tion has tried to strip away the protection­s that hundreds of thousands of immigrants have relied on for years, and we hope this is a big step toward reversing that trajectory,” said Luis Cortes, who is both a DACA recipient and a lawyer representi­ng others in the program.

 ?? Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle 2017 ?? Hundreds of people rally in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for “Dreamers” outside the S.F. Federal Building in 2017.
Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle 2017 Hundreds of people rally in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for “Dreamers” outside the S.F. Federal Building in 2017.

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