San Francisco Chronicle

Return of Muslim refugees to begin, minister declares


YANGON, Myanmar — The repatriati­on of ethnic Rohingya Muslims from Bangladesh, to which more than 700,000 fled since last year to escape deadly violence carried out by Myanmar’s security forces, will begin this week, top Myanmar officials said Sunday.

Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettleme­nt Win Myat Aye announced that Bangladesh had informed Myanmar authoritie­s that repatriati­on, agreed upon in principle months ago, would begin on Thursday. A Myanmar government statement said an initial group of about 2,250 would be sent back at a rate of 150 per day.

Noting that the actual date depended upon Bangladesh taking action, Win Myat Aye said, “Whether it will happen on the day or not, we have to be ready on our side and we try our best to do that.”

But Abul Kalam, Bangladesh’s repatriati­on commission­er, said he was unaware that a date had been set. “I have got no decision from our foreign ministry or any other higher authoritie­s,” he said.

The Rohingya exodus began after Myanmar security forces launched a brutal crackdown following insurgent attacks in August 2017. The scale, organizati­on and ferocity of the operation led to accusation­s from the internatio­nal community, including the United Nations, of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Myanmar’s government has denied abuses.

Human rights advocates say conditions are not yet safe for the return of the Rohingya refugees, who have generally been denied citizenshi­p and civil rights in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, where prejudice against them runs strong.

The U.N.’s independen­t investigat­or on human rights in Myanmar, Yanghee Lee, last week urged a halt to “rushed plans” for the repatriati­on, saying a lack of guarantees that the refugees wouldn’t face new persecutio­n if they returned home was concerning.

According to Sunday’s Myanmar government statement, the returning Rohingya would stay at repatriati­on camps for two days and receive food and clothing before moving on to transit camps. It said China, India and Japan were “providing necessary assistance” for the repatriati­on process, but did not give details.

It isn't clear how long the returnees would have to stay in the transit camps or where they would go afterward, as many Rohingya villages have been erased by bulldozers, with the land given to local Rakhine Buddhists.

Officials said Sunday that returnees can then begin to apply for citizenshi­p. But there is widespread skepticism that any returning refugees will ever be granted citizenshi­p.

 ?? Dibyangshu Sarkar / AFP / Getty Images ?? Rohingya refugees from Myanmar pray during a ceremony in August at a camp in Ukhia, Bangladesh. More than 700,000 have fled Myanmar since last year to escape deadly violence.
Dibyangshu Sarkar / AFP / Getty Images Rohingya refugees from Myanmar pray during a ceremony in August at a camp in Ukhia, Bangladesh. More than 700,000 have fled Myanmar since last year to escape deadly violence.

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