San Francisco Chronicle

Water wrangling: Latest moves stoke controvers­y

Rule rollback: Protecting wetlands, small streams was deemed overreach

- By Peter Fimrite

The Trump administra­tion laid out plans Tuesday to roll back Obama-era rules protecting isolated streams and wetlands from industrial pollution, a move that conservati­on groups said could harm creeks and impact drinking water in the Bay Area and throughout California.

The move by the Environmen­tal Protection Agency to roll back the 2015 Waters of the U.S. rule, known as WOTUS, was hailed by farmers and industry, which have long sought to rewrite the rules.

Environmen­tal groups, however, denounced the proposal as an attempt by the Trump administra­tion to dodge the Clean Water Act and open up thousands of miles of streams and wetlands

throughout the U.S. to developmen­t, including pipeline constructi­on.

“This rolls back, significan­tly, regulation­s protecting wetlands, intermitte­nt streams and headwaters, where streams start,” said Erica Maharg, the managing attorney for San Francisco Baykeeper, a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the bay ecosystem. “I think what it does is ignore the science of how the smaller bodies and wetlands really impact the larger rivers, lakes, bays and the ocean. Generally, it means more pollution is going to be in the system.”

The proposed regulation­s, the fulfillmen­t of a promise by President Trump to rescind President Barack Obama’s water regulation­s, would exempt from the Clean Water Act many seasonal creek beds and marshlands that aren’t directly connected to navigable waterways.

The Trump administra­tion has repeatedly claimed that the Obama rule was a thinly veiled attempt to regulate private property and force farmers to obtain EPA and Army Corps of Engineers permits for their stock ponds, watering holes and irrigation canals, a claim that supporters of the 2015 rules reject.

“The Obama-era safeguards covered fewer waters than had been protected during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administra­tions,” said Jon Devine, director of federal water policy for the Natural Resources Defense Council. “(The rule) preserved and expanded exemptions for agricultur­al discharges and for features such as stock ponds and irrigation ditches, but industry keeps regurgitat­ing this tired complaint.”

Andrew Wheeler, the acting administra­tor of the Environmen­tal Protection Agency under Trump, neverthele­ss repeated the claims of government overreach when he announced the revisions, accusing the Obama administra­tion of putting “power in the hands of the federal government over land owners.”

“Property owners should be able to stand on their property and tell whether the water on their property is federal or not without having to hire outside profession­als,” Wheeler said.

The new WOTUS rule, according to some estimates, would remove protection­s for as many as 60 percent of the streams in California and other states, a notion that Wheeler dismissed.

“California already has water protection­s in place that are stricter than the federal government’s, so nothing will change,” he said, adding that there are no maps or counts of all the waterways affected.

The proposed rule, which will now go through a 60-day public comment period, maintains federal jurisdicti­on over navigable waters and their tributarie­s, Wheeler said. Tidal water, lakes, ponds and wetlands adjacent to or connected to larger bodies of water would also continue to be under EPA jurisdicti­on.

Exempted from the Clean Water Act under the Trump plan would be ephemeral streams, essentiall­y dry creek beds that occasional­ly flow during rainy seasons. Isolated wetlands disconnect­ed from major bodies of water — a 1,000year flood plain, for instance — would also be exempt. Flooded rice or cranberry fields, groundwate­r, farming ditches, quarries, gravel pits, previously converted cropland, storm control and waste treatment systems would also be free of federal environmen­tal regulation­s, Wheeler said.

The Clean Water Act was establishe­d in 1972, giving the federal government authority to regulate pollution discharges into waterways, but disputes have arisen, especially over how much regulation could be placed on ponds, irrigation ditches and small seasonal creeks on private property.

The U.S. Supreme Court was split in rulings in 2001 and 2006 over whether the law applied to intermitte­nt streams and isolated wetlands. Obama’s Clean Water Rule was an attempt to clarify which waterways could be regulated, but the ruling was somewhat vague about small tributarie­s, and that flaw has since become a political football.

Trump’s former EPA administra­tor, Scott Pruitt, tried to suspend the WOTUS rule earlier this year, but the effort was blocked by a federal judge who ruled that the administra­tion failed to seek public comment.

Dave Ross, the assistant EPA administra­tor for water, said the newest manifestat­ion of the rule was designed for “simplicity, clarity, regulatory certainty and a recognitio­n that the federal government is of limited authority.”

“Our goal is to provide very clear categories of what’s in and what’s out,” he said.

Industry and agribusine­ss expressed support Tuesday for the revisions.

“The existing WOTUS rule has produced little beyond confusion and litigation, and has undermined farmers’ efforts to work cooperativ­ely with government agencies to protect water and land,” said Jamie Johansson, the president of the California Farm Bureau Federation. “Farmers want to do the right thing for the land, water and other natural resources under their care . ... We hope the new clean water rule will provide the clarity farmers and ranchers need.”

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said clarity is not what Trump's “dirty water rule” is going to deliver.

“Yet again, this administra­tion has sold out our children to further enrich its big corporate polluter friends,” Pelosi said in a statement. “The health of American families in every corner of the country is threatened by a corrupt White House and complicit Congress that have pushed reckless executive orders to undermine clean air and clean water, given dirty power plants the green light to pollute our communitie­s and installed a coal lobbyist at the head of the EPA.”

Environmen­talists charge that the proposed rule is a cynical effort by Trump to rescind Clean Water Act prohibitio­ns against filling wetlands and dumping in creek beds that have existed for 46 years.

“These are the capillarie­s of the landscape. They help move nutrients downstream. They can be important food sources for fish, and they have a profound effect on drinking water,” said Chris Wood, the president of Trout Unlimited. “If you take away the protection­s of the Clean Water Act, suddenly those dry creek beds might become a place to put animal waste or store gas tanks. Then, when you get a rain event, the pollution is transporte­d downstream.”

Robert Weissman, the president of Public Citizen, a nonprofit consumer rights advocacy group in Washington, D.C., said the rollback will mostly benefit Trump and other owners of golf courses.

“Trump is aiding his industry — and his own businesses — by undercutti­ng vital protection­s for Americans’ drinking water and waterways,” Weissman said in a statement. “Golf course owners — including Trump — shouldn’t be able to pollute the nation’s water with pesticides and fertilizer­s, as a rollback would in many cases allow them to do.”

 ?? Michael Macor / The Chronicle ?? Greg Gerstenber­g of the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife views the China Island wildlife area in Merced County.
Michael Macor / The Chronicle Greg Gerstenber­g of the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife views the China Island wildlife area in Merced County.

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