San Francisco Chronicle

Few bike-share options for disabled

- By Mihir Zaveri Mihir Zaveri is a New York Times writer.

Andre Bryant did something this past summer that he had never done in his 48 years: He rode a bike.

Bryant, who has cerebral palsy, rode a hand-powered bike — a tricycle, actually — as part of a pilot program in Detroit, where the bike-share, called MoGo, is trying to provide more options for people with limited mobility.

Bryant couldn’t get enough. He returned again and again to take the adaptive bike farther each time at a park along the Detroit River, where the program debuted.

“It was really nice,” Bryant said. “I think it’s very important that you have alternativ­es, alternativ­es for mobility.”

Those alternativ­es have been elusive, even as bike-share programs have grown in popularity. About 35 million bike-share rides were taken in 2017, 25 percent more than the year before, and several orders of magnitude greater than the 320,000 trips taken in 2010, according to data compiled by the National Associatio­n of City Transporta­tion Officials.

Yet the lack of adaptive bicycles has raised questions and legal concerns about accessibil­ity. Companies that have sought to revolution­ize transporta­tion increasing­ly are facing questions about who gets left out.

“You’re creating this great new way of getting around for all these people, but you’re completely leaving out this huge segment of the population,” said Carol Tyson, government affairs liaison for the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. “You’re leaving us behind, and you’re creating a more and more segregated society for us to live in.”

Bike-sharing systems allow riders to pay a fee to ride a bike provided by the operator, often from one docking station to another. In some systems, riders can purchase membership­s. In others, there are no docks.

Programs in cities like Detroit have only recently started offering adaptive alternativ­es while cities like New York and Chicago don’t offer adaptive bikes. Polly Trottenber­g, commission­er of New York’s Department of Transporta­tion, said last month that her agency plans to explore adaptive options. Her comments came as Citi Bike announced a $100 million investment by its parent company, Lyft, to improve and expand its program.

Studies show that bike-share users skew wealthy and white. Some bike-share operators are looking to change that.

The National Associatio­n of City Transporta­tion Officials study said that in 2017, 32 percent of cities where riders can rent a bicycle from stations — as opposed to dockless systems — offer income-based discounts. The year before, it was about 25 percent.

In May, MoGo started its pilot program in Detroit, modeled in part after one in Portland, Ore. MoGo held demonstrat­ions in which people like Bryant could try hand-powered bicycles; tricycles, which are more stable than bicycles, and other cycles. From May through October, the adaptive bikes had 174 rides, Lisa Nuszkowski, founder and executive director of MoGo, said.

The group is analyzing what it learned. It’s too early to draw conclusion­s, but officials said that before they think about expanding, they want to know, for example, how people used the bikes and what challenges they faced.

Some say that providing adaptive bikes isn’t straightfo­rward. Zagster, one of the first operators to provide adaptive bikes, introduced them in Carmel, Ind., and at Ohio State University in Columbus in 2015. The company now has about 85 adaptive bicycles in 22 communitie­s across the country.

“We have grown this program at a pretty consistent rate over the past few years, particular­ly as bike-sharing has become more in the vocabulary of every American,” said Aviva Manin, director of market management for Zagster. “It’s something that the market definitely asked about quite a bit.”

But Zagster is reevaluati­ng and it’s unclear if it will continue to expand, Manin said. She said some riders are unfamiliar with how to use the bikes, and the bikes are difficult to maintain because few manufactur­ers make the needed parts.

Another question is how adaptive bicycles can be used practicall­y, said Thomas Gregory, deputy director of the Center for Independen­t Living, which has offices in Berkeley.

There’s recreation­al riding for fun but what gets trickier, Gregory said, is using the bikes for commuting.

“You go on your trip, you get to your destinatio­n, you don’t have your wheelchair with you,” he said.

At a station in Portland, people can help others to get on and off the bikes, said Julie Wood, a spokeswoma­n for Motivate, which runs Portland’s bike-share system and Citi Bike in New York.

“Some people have a mobility device, or a wheelchair; some people don’t,” she said. “Some people need help getting lifted in adaptive bikes.”

Gregory serves on a committee that is trying to solve that problem as Oakland mulls its own adaptive-bike pilot program, which is set to begin next year. He said the group was looking at an electric model in China that can accommodat­e a rider and a wheelchair.

He said the difficulty in solving the problem shouldn’t stop cities and operators from trying.

He said he believed that the Americans With Disabiliti­es Act requires options for people with disabiliti­es but the question has not been tested in the courts. Some cities have asked the Justice Department to what extent they are obligated to offer alternativ­es. The department said that “to the extent a bike-share program is a program, service or activity of a city or other public entity,” it would fall under the ADA.

Gregory said he’s happy that pilot programs are striving to improve accessibil­ity but it should have been part of the discussion when bike-shares were started.

“All these efforts are, to be frank, they’re responses to complaints,” he said. “From day zero, before you even launch anything, you should be trying to bake accessibil­ity in from the get-go.”

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