San Francisco Chronicle


- By Goren

Trump Coup Tommy, South in today’s deal, had some fun in the auction. He had no real choice but to rebid his anemic four-card diamond suit over partner’s negative double, but what should he bid over partner’s three-club cuebid? Most would bid three hearts, having denied four hearts the previous round. But what if, thought Tommy, partner was making an invitation­al raise in diamonds? Tommy didn’t want to encourage him. And anyway, how often do you get to bid a four-card suit three times?

The ace of clubs lead held the first trick, and West shifted to the queen of hearts. Tommy won with his ace and led a low diamond to dummy’s jack, winning the trick as West ducked his ace. There was a straight-forward line of play available that might succeed with favorable breaks, but it would not involve a trump coup. Tommy rejected it. He led a low spade to his 10 like a man who knew it would work.

Tommy cashed the king of spades and led another diamond to West’s ace. Tommy ruffed the club continuati­on in dummy and cashed the ace and queen of spades, discarding a heart and a club from his hand. He led a heart to his king and ruffed his last club with dummy’s king of trumps. In the two-card ending, Tommy scored both his queen and nine of trumps through East’s 10. Not a real trump coup, but close enough to please Tommy.

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