San Francisco Chronicle

Impeach? Members of Congress split

Where Bay Area delegation stands after Mueller report

- By Tal Kopan

WASHINGTON — With the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election, the question is before lawmakers: What will they do next?

Democrats are split over whether to move to impeachmen­t proceeding­s against President Trump in the House, the only chamber of Congress they control. With Republican­s opposed to impeachmen­t and in control of the Senate, such an effort would largely be for the purpose of uncovering informatio­n that could be damaging to Trump, either politicall­y or in the congressio­nal proceeding­s.

Here’s where members of the Bay Area delegation — many of whom sit on committees where articles of impeachmen­t would be considered or where investigat­ions would be conducted — stand on whether to try to remove Trump from office.

House Speaker Nancy

Pelosi, D-San Francisco:

The speaker is the member with perhaps the most important vote on the matter, as she will likely decide whether the House will proceed to impeachmen­t. She has largely steered her members away from it, saying before the Mueller report’s release that Trump was “just not worth” the conse

quences of impeachmen­t and telling fellow Democrats after the special counsel’s redacted findings were made public that congressio­nal investigat­ions would come first. “I hate to disappoint some of you, but I’m not struggling with this decision,” she told her caucus.

That approach hasn’t changed.

“We’re hyper-focused on transparen­cy and continuing our investigat­ions,” an aide said in a statement, “because the special counsel’s report raises more serious questions about Trump’s relationsh­ip with the Russians and (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, the administra­tion’s efforts to protect our elections, especially given the purging of key staffers at the Department of Homeland Security, and the effect of Trump’s abuses of power on other areas we think people care about, like the administra­tion’s efforts to sabotage Americans’ health care.”

Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, D-Concord:

“As a matter of principle, I support impeachmen­t and I also believe we need to proceed with the congressio­nal investigat­ions currently under way to get to the truth for the American people,” DeSaulnier said in a statement. “During Watergate, it was congressio­nal hearings that led to the resignatio­n of an unethical president.”

Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Palo Alto:

“As a member of Congress, I must be provided an unredacted copy of the special counsel’s report and all underlying documents in order to make a decision as to whether the House moves to impeach the president, or whether it’s done the old-fashioned American way — impeachmen­t at the ballot box next year,” Eshoo said in a statement.

Rep. Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael:

“We should follow the facts,” Huffman told MSNBC. “We should do this full-throated investigat­ion. We should read the Constituti­on and remember that our founders anticipate­d a moment like this and they put the constituti­onal remedy of impeachmen­t in the Congress for a reason. We can’t just punt that. There is a real downside to that.”

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Fremont:

“This is not a moment to rush to judgment,” Khanna said in a statement. “Rather, this is a time to be deliberate and methodical in our approach, and gather all the facts before making a determinat­ion on articles of impeachmen­t. We need further investigat­ions, public hearings, and potentiall­y contempt proceeding­s to promote political accountabi­lity.

Yet again, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has shown outstandin­g judgment and wisdom in her approach for our caucus.”

Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland:

“Congresswo­man Lee believes Trump must be held accountabl­e, strongly supports congressio­nal investigat­ions into the president and his administra­tion’s actions, and believes that impeachmen­t must not be taken off the table,” Lee’s office said in a statement.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose: “Impeachmen­t is not just a legal issue, it’s also a political issue,” Lofgren said in an interview on KCBS-AM. She noted that the public largely supported the impeachmen­t of President Richard Nixon by the time he resigned in 1974, in contrast to widespread opposition to the impeachmen­t of President Bill Clinton in 1998.

“I don’t know what the Congress and the public will think when we finish the entire review of this,” Lofgren continued. “I think it’s a mistake to try and jump to a conclusion. We’ve got to go in a boring, orderly, thorough fashion and see where we are. When you’re doing impeachmen­t, you’re undoing an election, which is a pretty serious matter, and you don’t do that unless there’s really no choice.”

Rep. Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo:

“Clearly, the Mueller report was meant to inform Congress’ drafting of articles of impeachmen­t,” Speier said in a statement. “That is why the House must conduct its oversight duty and investigat­e the damning evidence uncovered by the report and any other evidence of crimes and corruption. Because it’s not just the Senate that wields the power of impeachmen­t, it’s the American public. And the public needs and deserves unvarnishe­d access to the Mueller report, and any other evidence of high crimes and misdemeano­rs, so that they can ‘impeach’ the president in 2020 should the Senate fail to act.”

Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Dublin:

“We’re certainly having a conversati­on about how we hold this president accountabl­e,” Swalwell said on ABC News’ “The Investigat­ion” podcast. “I wouldn’t say impeachmen­t is off the table.”

Rep. Mike Thompson, D-St. Helena:

“The findings presented in Special Counsel Mueller’s report are serious,” Thompson said in a statement. “Congress will continue with our investigat­ions to ensure our constituen­ts get the truth. Nothing is off the table. At the same time, Congress will continue with our responsibi­lity to pass legislatio­n that helps our constituen­ts and our country — we can do both at the same time.”

If the House did vote to impeach Trump, he would be tried in the Senate. Here’s what California’s senators have to say about the possibilit­y of impeachmen­t:

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein:

“The Mueller report certainly raises serious issues that Congress needs to investigat­e,” Feinstein said in a statement. “Whether impeachmen­t proceeding­s should occur can be decided once that process is under way and we’ve learned more. And of course any decision on whether to bring impeachmen­t charges would be made by the House.”

Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris:

“I think we have very good reason to believe that there is an investigat­ion that has been conducted which has produced evidence that tells us that this president and his administra­tion engaged in obstructio­n of justice,” Harris said on a CNN town hall last month. “I believe Congress should take the steps towards impeachmen­t.”

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