San Francisco Chronicle

Pelosi sets off Trump with ‘cover-up’ talk

- By Tal Kopan

WASHINGTON — A day that began with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging caution on impeachmen­t devolved with tensions escalating between the White House and congressio­nal Democrats, as President Trump made a show of cutting off their legislativ­e negotiatio­ns and Pelosi suggested his actions were impeachabl­e.

Pelosi had tried in a closeddoor session Wednesday to mollify Democrats who want to impeach Trump, but her comment afterward that Trump is engaged in a “cover-up” prompted the president to

storm out of a scheduled White House meeting with congressio­nal Democrats a short time later.

Trump then called reporters to the White House Rose Garden to declare he wouldn’t work with Democrats on infrastruc­ture, the topic of the canceled meeting, or other areas of bipartisan interest until they finish investigat­ing his administra­tion.

“I don’t do cover-ups,” Trump said.

Pelosi later doubled down on her comment, suggesting that the more Trump resists congressio­nal investigat­ions, the more likely impeachmen­t becomes.

“This is why I think the president was so steamed off this morning, because the fact is in plain sight, in the public domain, this president is obstructin­g justice and he’s engaged in a cover-up, and that could be an impeachabl­e offense,” the San Francisco Democrat said at a progressiv­e conference.

She noted that one of the impeachmen­t counts that the House Judiciary Committee approved in 1974 against President Richard Nixon was for ignoring congressio­nal subpoenas. “As they say, the coverup is frequently worse than the crime,” Pelosi said.

Democrats say they are unified in wanting to conduct oversight of the Trump administra­tion, but some fear impeachmen­t would distract them and the public from legislatio­n the House is passing that they say would benefit Americans. As the 2020 election draws ever closer, Democrats are looking for a message that could help them keep the House, flip the Senate and defeat Trump.

But the dust-up Wednesday served as a distractio­n from the inability to reach a consensus over infrastruc­ture and seemed to pour cold water on the possibilit­y of any bipartisan legislatin­g ahead of the election.

The back-and-forth began Wednesday morning when House Democrats gathered in the basement of the Capitol to address a growing divide within the party over whether to proceed with impeachmen­t. Several House Democrats have gone public with such calls in reaction to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report finding instances in which Trump may have obstructed the investigat­ion into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election, as well as the president’s subsequent blanket refusal to cooperate with congressio­nal Democratic inquiries into his administra­tion.

Pelosi had committee chairs talk about their investigat­ory work and reiterated her advice to let the probes play out before taking a step toward impeachmen­t. According to Democrats who were in the room, Pelosi offered guidance while allowing lawmakers to voice their opinions about impeachmen­t. The pro-impeachmen­t viewpoint remained a minority, said San Mateo Rep. Jackie Speier, who believes it’s time to take that step.

Afterward, Pelosi told reporters, “We do believe it’s important to follow the facts, we believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States, and we believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up — in a cover-up. And that was the nature of the meeting.”

Trump was irritated by the “cover-up” remark, and went into the planned White House meeting about a possible infrastruc­ture package with Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and other Democrats with something to say.

“I walked into the room and I told Sen. Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, I want to do infrastruc­ture, I want to do it more than you want to do it, I’d be really good at that,” Trump recounted in his Rose Garden news conference. “But you know what, I can’t do it under these circumstan­ces, so get these phony investigat­ions over with.”

According to a person who was briefed on the session, Trump walked into the room without greeting anyone or taking a seat. He told the assembled House and Senate Democrats that he wanted to get agreements on infrastruc­ture, trade, agricultur­e and other topics, but that Pelosi had said something terrible that he wanted to address.

Trump said he would not work on legislatio­n with Democrats while they were engaged in “two tracks,” the other being investigat­ions of his administra­tion. He told Democrats they could work together when the investigat­ions were done and left the room before anyone could speak, said the source, who was not authorized to speak for attributio­n.

“Instead of walking in happily into a meeting, I walk in to look at people that had just said that I was doing a coverup. I don’t do cover-ups,” Trump told reporters afterward. “Let them play their games — we’re going to go one track at a time, let them finish up and we’ll be all set.”

Democrats dismissed the episode as a ruse — an excuse for Trump to walk away from a negotiatio­n that he knew he could not close. The incidents served to amplify the collision course Trump and Democrats seem to be traveling toward — either a messy court battle over executive authority or impeachmen­t.

After an April meeting in which Trump and Democrats agreed to work toward a $2 trillion infrastruc­ture package, Senate Republican­s quickly cast doubt on the prospects of any such deal. Wednesday’s meeting was supposed to cover how the plan would be paid for, including Trump’s ideas.

The night before, the White House released a letter from Trump to Pelosi and Schumer saying he would want his U.S.Mexico-Canada trade deal passed through Congress before any infrastruc­ture package.

Pelosi and Schumer said they had been prepared to take Wednesday’s sit-down seriously, but believe Trump intended all along to derail the meeting because he wasn’t prepared to negotiate on infrastruc­ture.

Pelosi called the episode “orchestrat­ed” and noted that Trump’s Rose Garden news conference had posters referencin­g the time and money spent on the Mueller investigat­ion and its ultimate finding there was no criminal conspiracy with Russia. She pointed out that those were clearly prepared well in advance of her “cover-up” remarks.

“To watch what happened in the White House would make your jaw drop,” Schumer said. “He came up with this preplanned excuse. It was clear this was not a spontaneou­s move on the president’s part . ... We can do both (tracks). It’s clear the president doesn’t want to do any of that.”

Pelosi called the episode “very, very, very strange” but said she wasn’t surprised.

“I pray for the president of the United States, and I pray for the United States of America,” Pelosi said.

Trump at least appreciate­d that. “Nancy, thank you so much for your prayers, I know you truly mean it!” he tweeted.

 ?? Erin Schaff / New York Times ?? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, leaves a closed-door morning meeting with House Democrats to mollify those pressing for an impeachmen­t inquiry of President Trump.
Erin Schaff / New York Times House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, leaves a closed-door morning meeting with House Democrats to mollify those pressing for an impeachmen­t inquiry of President Trump.

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