San Francisco Chronicle

A psychedeli­c way to cope with daily stress


Regarding “Oakland council may board magic bus with ruling on mushrooms” (Page 1, May 28): Who knew that more than half a century after countercul­ture guru Timothy Leary advised people to turn on, tune in, and drop out that Oakland would join his call for the use of psychedeli­c (albeit only natural, not man-made) drugs? The decriminal­ization of psilocybin­s, or so-called magic mushrooms — along with cannabis — might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m glad for any help coping with the daily stress of living under the President Trump regime. Divya Gupta, San Francisco

Expected to negotiate

Regarding “Endless Trump bashing” (Letters, May 28): The writer talks about the “haters” doing nothing for America.

I notice that he doesn’t list anything that President Trump has done to make America great again. As to “He won, Shut Up, Get Over it!” that isn’t the way our government is set up. Congress and the courts have powers of their own and the president is expected to negotiate with them. He would get more done if he did. Mary Gardner, San Francisco

Leave choice to women

Regarding “Ethical issue of abortion” (Letters, May 25): I read the letter written by a man who stated he was a liberal and open minded but did not approve of abortion as birth control. As a woman who has had an abortion, used birth control and still got pregnant, I want to make most men understand one thing. Women do not use abortion as birth control, period. The only way a woman can get pregnant is if there is sperm involved.

Of course, this means that a man is 50% responsibl­e for that pregnancy. When men say that women must pay the price for pregnancy they are not taking responsibi­lity for their role. Not one man has ever been pregnant. They should not weigh in on this issue unless they are willing to take responsibi­lity for making sure their partner wants to be pregnant or does not want to be. Family planning is a choice in every woman’s life.

Being pregnant when you cannot afford to be, cannot take care of the baby or have been raped and find yourself pregnant, should be the woman’s choice to take the baby to term or not. No man nor our government should be allowed to make this choice.

Karen Cappa, Rohnert Park

Access to abortion

The letter from a lifelong liberal/ atheist perpetuate­s the idea that a woman’s access to safe abortion remains a valid matter of philosophy. This paper’s readership would be well-served with more articles providing informatio­n about the non-philosophi­cal consequenc­es to women of pregnancy and childbirth.

If this Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade, women will still seek abortions, legal and safe or not, because women will continue to make the calculatio­n that the risks involved are an acceptable exchange for the certain consequenc­es to their bodies, their families and their lives. Personal freedom aside, we are still living under a taboo about discussing the physical facts.

Bearing one’s first child is an extreme, utterly shocking event, with permanent changes, including a long list of possible continuing painful conditions and health risks. Bearing one’s next child is an act of courage and sacrifice.

When one does not have that choice, one is a victim of intentiona­l violence. Now add in the theft of freedom. Abortion can be safe and legal or women will take it undergroun­d again and die for it. Period. Marilyn Bancel, San Francisco

Won’t be silent

In “Endless Trump bashing” (Letters, May 28), the author urges those of us opposed to the president’s policies to “Shut Up, Get Over It!” I’ve heard this exact sentiment from several of his supporters since the day after the election. America is not made great by the silencing of any voices. At its best, America is all voices, not just the voices of those who are — temporaril­y — in power. Lewis Buzbee, San Francisco

 ?? AlbyDeTwee­de / Getty Images ?? Psilocybe is a genus known for potent species of psychedeli­c mushrooms.
AlbyDeTwee­de / Getty Images Psilocybe is a genus known for potent species of psychedeli­c mushrooms.

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