San Francisco Chronicle

Mysteries needn’t be a guilty pleasure

- Barbara Lane can’t remember a time when she didn’t have her nose in a book. Email her at barbara.lane@sfchronicl­

I have a dear friend who for years was a bigdeal corporate lawyer in a bigdeal New York firm. She worked insane hours and sacrificed a great deal on the road to making partner. But she had a secret guilty pleasure: Great piles of mysteries, the trashier the better, covered every flat surface in her apartment. It was in these satisfying pages that she found relaxation. Throw in a pint of HaagenDazs and life was sweet.

It took me years to appreciate the pleasure of a wellcrafte­d mystery. It’s no secret that the world we live in is messy and complicate­d — and that more often than not, things don’t work out according to any moral imperative. In the crime genre (and I’m including thrillers and mysteries here, aware that purists like to split hairs about the distinctio­ns), usually the mystery is solved, the bad guys get punished, and the good guys get their just deserts and find closure. How beautiful is that?

Plus it’s fun to have a vicarious experience with detective work. The closest most of us get is finding our lost phones or the glasses on top of our heads.

A word about genre fiction: For years, serious readers turned up their erudite noses at anything smelling of genre. After all, how could fiction meant to entertain possibly be taken seriously?

I say nonsense. Writers as revered as Michael Chabon, Neil Gaiman, Cormac McCarthy, Richard Price, Kazuo Ishiguro, Kate Atkinson and Jennifer Egan have successful­ly collapsed uberlitera­ry books with works of crime and science fiction, resulting in books of stunning intellectu­al power.

“Craft” is a word that often crops up when talking about genre fiction, sometimes derisively. I say hooray for craft. In the case of mysteries, the best are carefully constructe­d with the subtle planting of clues and wellpaced discovery and resolution. Throw in some psychologi­cal depth, a sprinkling of nuance and a dash of humor and you have the recipe for a delightful read.

With all of that in mind, I proudly confess I’ve become something of a Donna Leon junkie in recent years. A native of New Jersey, Leon adopted Venice as her home city more than 30 years ago, and that’s where she sets her novels starring Commissari­o Guido Brunetti. I’m more than a little bit in love with Brunetti: A welleducat­ed native Venetian who reads classics (Aeschylus, Pliny and the like), he’s also a shrewd detective. He takes us down the streets of his beloved city all the while bemoaning how the tourists have ruined it, real estate prices have gotten out of hand and government corruption is the order of the day.

Brunetti loves to eat and drink; he knows where to find the best brioche, the freshest fish and the most toothsome pasta, which he enjoys with a glass of grappa followed, always, by an espresso. No greasy doughnuts and bad burgers for this cop. His wife, Paola, a university professor who adores Henry James, always has the perfect multicours­e lunch waiting for him, complete with aperitif and dessert, often served on the terrazza. Naturally his children Raffaela and Chiara are charming and wellbehave­d. Did I mention his inlaws are royalty? And that I fantasize about living in his world?

Rounding out the cast of characters in the Brunetti novels are his vain, bombastic boss ViceQuesto­re Patta (comic relief for anyone who’s ever had a bad boss … and who hasn’t?) and the sensationa­l Signorina Elletra, Brunetti’s allknowing, wellconnec­ted, indispensa­ble right hand. She’d bristle at being called a secretary. Her wardrobe alone is a worthy reason to read these books.

There are almost 30 novels in the Brunetti series, and I envy you if you’re just getting started. So much reading pleasure ahead.

Among my other favorite mystery writers is Benjamin Black, the pseudonym used by the Irish writer John Banville for his mysteries featuring Quirke, a semialcoho­lic depressive pathologis­t in the Dublin city morgue. A childless widower, Quirke was orphaned at a young age and raised in an abusive boarding school. Not exactly a romp. But Black’s Dublin comes alive on the page.

I’m also a big fan of Tana French, an American who has long lived in Ireland, who writes sophistica­ted psychologi­cal mysteries, each featuring a different detective, that are as much about character as the crime at hand.

So go ahead, give yourself permission to dig into one of these delicious writers and hold your head up high when discussing their books with your snobby literary friends. If they’re so smart, they’ll come around to thank you.

The closest most of us get to detective work is finding our lost phones.

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