San Francisco Chronicle

Matriarch keeps family in line with inheritanc­e

- Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: For the last 12 years, we have been traveling 7½ hours to see my husband’s grandparen­ts. This happens several times a year. Each time I pray it will be the last visit. Invariably, when we return home, I am sick for about a week, and it’s getting worse. At 96, Grandma isn’t cleaning the house (Grandpa died four years ago). She lives on her own in the country. Grandma has fallen, can’t cook for herself and still drives. The closest family member lives seven hours away. Grandma has always been a manipulato­r, and I’m tired of how she treats her family. She uses the “financial inheritanc­e” for leverage.

My family has things planned out in advance about what to do when someone has reached a certain age. I’m tired of subjecting myself to this, let alone facing Grandma’s wrath. The rest of the family accepts it for what it is. They don’t want to upset her, so they give in and accommodat­e. Do I have the right to back out?

Wants to Run Away Dear Wants: Before backing out, may I recommend that you and your husband discuss this with all of the relatives involved? It seems to me that a group interventi­on for Granny may be in order. If she has enough money that she’s successful­ly holding it over everyone’s heads, she has enough to hire someone to clean her house for her on a weekly or monthly basis. Rather than pray for her demise, ask yourself, “If she’s not cleaning and cooking, how

is she taking care of herself ?” Contact the senior center nearest to where this poor woman lives, or the closest Area Agency on Aging, and ask what can be done to help her. If not you, then your husband’s parents, aunts and uncles should do this. Ignoring her condition could be considered elder abuse. Dear Abby: I have never seen this issue discussed anywhere but cannot believe I’m the only person who is dismayed by the tradition of bringing casseroles to the homes of the bereaved. When my father died, my mother and I hosted a post-memorial gettogethe­r at her home. Each of my parents’ many friends and acquaintan­ces brought a casserole. Mom’s refrigerat­or was always full, so there was no room after the seventh casserole. My mother told me to take the rest to the basement and say it was put in the freezer. My parents never owned a freezer, so after everyone left, we put 17 casseroles down the garbage disposal.

Please make your readers aware that postfunera­l food is often inconvenie­nt even if the thought is appreciate­d. A restaurant gift card accomplish­es the same thing and assures the family will end up with something they actually like. Enough Is Too Much Dear Enough: That the love, effort and expense your parents’ friends went to ended up down the drain is a shame. I am printing your letter because your suggestion makes sense and readers may appreciate it. If this happens to other readers, it would not be ungracious to be honest. Explain there is no more room in the fridge or freezer and suggest the food be taken with the mourners when they leave.

I’m tired of how she treats her family. She uses the “financial inheritanc­e” for leverage.

By Jeanne Phillips

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