San Francisco Chronicle

SFO should expand the plastics ban


My reaction to “Water in plastic bottles won’t fly” (Page 1, Aug. 2), which describes San Francisco Internatio­nal Airport’s decision to ban the sale of singleuse plastic water bottles, is this: If SFO truly wants to slash net carbon emissions and energy use to zero and eliminate most landfill waste by 2021, it should also ban the sale of soda and juice in plastic bottles, as well as the sale of travelsize­d items like pain relievers, nail clippers and toothpaste that are encased in plastic. The best way to reduce plastic landfill waste is through a consistent and broadly applied policy.

Jennifer EricksonJa­mes, San Francisco

Snowflake city

Some gun owners of Needles now have their own sanctuary, probably embarrassi­ng the majority there, and the observatio­n from their own city councilman that these guns are like security blankets really says it all. Most mature people feel no such need. Perhaps, to borrow a term from the Trumpists, the frightened gun fetishists of Needles should rename their city Snowflake. Steve Heilig, San Francisco

Broken rules in camps

In each of my jobs teaching children, teachers and parents, I have learned to follow many rules set by city, state and federal government­s to ensure the safety and security of young children. Now virtually all of those rules are being broken in the concentrat­ion camps for children at the border between the U.S. and Mexico. We had rules for how many square feet of classroom space were allowed; these limited the size of our groups of children. We had rules for how many adults had to be present, and how many needed to be credential­ed. We had rules for nutrition, hand washing, toileting and for rest time. Sick children were excluded from classrooms and readmitted after recovery. All these things were legislated by our various government­s. (I have worked in two states, given workshops and speeches in 35 states, and done inspection­s and assessment­s in several other states including Oregon, Texas, California and Mississipp­i.) I have seen how these rules in action make life safer and more enriching for the children in all of these places. They are, none of them, present and enforced in the concentrat­ion camps for children at our border. This must change now!

Sydney Clemens, San Francisco

Pull the curtains back

Regarding “Crowd shows up to see school mural” (Aug. 2): I am sorry I missed the chance to see the murals at George Washington High School on Thursday. Hopefully, it won’t be the last time they are on display. I support the idea of covering the art with curtains and preserving Victor Arnautoff ’s depiction of the founding of America. Pull the curtains back every year around Presidents Day and have future students examine and share with each other how our elected leaders have shaped the world we live in. Students will teach each other about the former President George Washington’s era. Others will look at former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who led the country at the time when the murals were painted. And some will examine the president we elected in 2016 and his illfated plan to revisit our dark past by “Making America Great Again.” San Francisco Unified School District: Don’t paint over this opportunit­y!

Michael Burns, San Francisco

Add plaque to mural

It is understood that the mural is a representa­tion of our history and we need history. The mural should be kept with the addition of a plaque identifyin­g the historic amendment(s) or law(s), pertaining to the scenes that others view objectiona­ble, that have been enacted. This plaque would be invaluable to students/visitors alike because it would also demonstrat­e how our country has tried to improve past wrongs. This could be a history/civics class project in researchin­g the applicable informatio­n.

Georgette Kong, Foster City

Time for town halls

Regarding “Offense and defense on health care” (Editorial, Aug. 2): Thank you for describing the difference­s of candidates’ views. This is a complicate­d subject for all of us to absorb. I hope a town hall can be offered for each candidate that makes it to the next presidenti­al debate, allowing them to make more substantia­l explanatio­ns on their views, a better setting than a debate allows. Still, what I am learning is, the point of shifting to Medicare for All is that costs keep rising, which Sen. Kamala Harris pointed out. Similarly, the cost of inaction on climate is the same, meaning: both need to be top priority on day one, whoever takes over the Oval Office in 2021. On Harris’ health plan, if it moves us toward the goal that Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren focus on, without losing those voters unsure about the transition from private insurance, this might well be the practical solution to making this shift. We citizens need more chance to understand all approaches, both on health care and climate solutions. To the Democratic National Committee leadership: Town halls are needed on both subjects, please. Priscilla Rich, Danville

Insightful coverage

Regarding “S.F. Homeless Project: Tough questions, no simple answers” (Page 1, July 28): Kudos to The Chronicle for your series on homelessne­ss in the Bay Area. I’ve been visiting the San Francisco area for years and have been distressed and confounded by the increasing number of people living on the streets. What could be done? Why isn’t it being done? I picked up the July 28 edition on my latest trip and was inspired to sign up for a digital subscripti­on to continue to follow the story. Insights from your articles help me understand the situation at home on the other side of the country. Thank you for tackling this important issue.

Jan Thorman, Annapolis, Md.

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Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee

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