San Francisco Chronicle

Majority of House Dems support impeachmen­t probe

- By Mary Clare Jalonick and Lisa Mascaro Mary Clare Jalonick and Lisa Mascaro are Associated Press writers.

WASHINGTON — More than half of Democrats support launching an impeachmen­t inquiry, according to a tally by the Associated Press — a strong signal of ongoing liberal frustratio­n with President Trump but a milestone that seems unlikely to move House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Rep. Salud Carbajal of Santa Barbara said Friday that he would support such an inquiry — the beginning of proceeding­s that could lead up to an impeachmen­t vote — tipping the tally to 118, or a majority of the 235 House Democrats. But that comes as Pelosi has remained steadfast that she wants to finish investigat­ions that are already under way before making a final decision. She has signaled since she became speaker in January that she is unwilling to move toward impeachmen­t without a groundswel­l of public support.

Impeachmen­t supporters had hoped that former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony last month would be the tipping point, and more than two dozen Democrats have called for a beginning to proceeding­s since then. But those calls were muddled by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler’s assertion that the committee is essentiall­y already doing the work of impeachmen­t, with or without a formal House vote.

“Too much has been made of the phrase impeachmen­t inquiry,” Nadler said, noting the panel’s ongoing probes of the president and his associates.

Still, the calls for an inquiry show a growing dissatisfa­ction among members of the caucus, even among some of Pelosi’s allies, with what is being done to stop what they see as egregious behavior by the president.

The calls for impeachmen­t grew not only after Mueller’s testimony, which detailed episodes in which Trump attempted to stop the Russia investigat­ion, but also after Trump’s racist tweets earlier this month urging four female House Democrats of color to “go back” to where they came from.

Democrats would need 218 votes to approve impeachmen­t charges against the president, and the Republican Senate would be unlikely to vote to convict.

No Republican­s have called for Trump’s impeachmen­t, though Republican­turnedInde­pendent Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan announced his support for impeachmen­t shortly after he said he read Mueller’s findings about Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

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