San Francisco Chronicle

Slice of life becomes much more

- By Mick LaSalle Mick LaSalle is The San Francisco Chronicle's film critic. Email: mlasalle@sfchronicl­ Twitter: @MickLaSall­e

At first, “Honeyland” doesn’t seem like a documentar­y, but more like a dramatic feature set in the Middle Ages. Hatidze Muratova practices the ancient art of beekeeping and returns home to a dark house — a little better than a shack — where she cares for her sick mother. There’s no hint of modernity, and even the faces look like something out of a Hieronymus Bosch painting.

But within minutes we see Hatidze on a bus, and suddenly she’s in the big Macedonian city of Skopje, selling her honey to retailers and bargaining persuasive­ly. And what does she buy with some of her profits? Packaged hair dye! The mix of the modern and the ancient is enough to boggle the mind.

“Honeyland” is a remarkable documentar­y, made over the course of three years. It won three awards at the Sundance Film Festival and follows Hatidze as she goes about her life. But as often happens with the best documentar­ies, the filmmakers got lucky, because the movie they thought they were making — a slice of life about a beekeeper — became something more, a story about character and the right and wrong ways of living with nature.

Hatidze gets neighbors. A Winnebago pulls up and out pours a married couple, their seven kids and an assortment of young cattle. This nomadic family is led by Hussein, who has to figure out a way to make money, and he settles on beekeeping, something he knows nothing about. Hatidze is happy to instruct him. She tells him that he has to wait until the hives are ready, and that he has to leave half the honey for the bees; otherwise, they’ll go hungry and attack her hives.

Of course, Hussein proceeds not to listen to her. He’s not an evil person. He’s just careless, impatient, completely inept and probably not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. He takes every drop of honey. He enlists his kids to help, and they all get stung. At one point, we see a little girl, and her eye is all swollen. Hussein himself gets stung at least twice in the face. He has no idea what he’s doing, but he’s doing it, creating a smallscale environmen­tal disaster.

When we think of environmen­tal catastroph­es, we usually think grand scale — a chemical company dumping poison into the water, a factory farm creating a toxic stink over an entire community. “Honeyland” reminds us that such things, big and small, come down to human nature. Sometimes billions are at stake. Hussein is selling out the natural world and his entirely good and decent neighbor for about $30.

There will always be people like Hussein, but there will always be people like Hatidze, and who will win in the end? It’s easier to destroy than to build — it takes less time — but Hatidze at least has the Earth on her side. And Hussein seems destined never to make a dime. No sooner does he make his profit from his honey sales than all of his cattle come down with a fatal disease. Or maybe they just starve to death.

In any case, it seems we’re doomed to play out the drama depicted in “Honeyland,” over and over, on every stage, huge and tiny, until the end of time.

By the way, if you see “Honeyland,” you’ll want to know this, so I’ll save you a Google search. After the movie, the filmmakers used some of the profits to buy Hatidze a house. So she comes out OK.

 ?? SFFilm ?? “Honeyland” tells the story of Hatidze Muratova’s struggles to fashion a life in Macedonia as a beekeeper.
SFFilm “Honeyland” tells the story of Hatidze Muratova’s struggles to fashion a life in Macedonia as a beekeeper.

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