San Francisco Chronicle

Don’t pity someone who’s just enjoying her solitude

- By Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or Universal Press Syndicate

Dear Abby: I’m a middleaged woman who has survived a 30year toxic relationsh­ip with a covert narcissist. I am now blessed to be able to divorce him and get therapy for his emotional abuse. I have six amazing grown children. I’m also a sophomore in college and have a parttime job. This is the first time in my life I am able to actually do things by myself. To say the least, I am busy. Most of the time, I enjoy it — shopping, movies and even dining out. However, for some reason (especially while dining out), I get unwanted expression­s of sympathy for being alone. Strangers comment about how sad it is to see me eating all alone. One woman offered to introduce me to her brother. She went so far as to ask for my phone number so she could pass it along to him, so that way I would have company. I have friends and family, and if I had wanted company at that time, I would have invited someone. Sometimes I want to be alone to enjoy my “me” time. How can I respond to these unwanted comments and nip the conversati­ons in the bud so they don’t disrupt my entire meal?

Alone But Not Lonely in Louisiana Dear Alone: Here’s how. Smile and thank these kind people for their thoughtful­ness. Say that at this point in your life you are enjoying freedom and comfortabl­e solitude. And the next time you enter a restaurant, ask the host to seat you farther back, so you are not the first person these individual­s encounter on the way to their table. As to the sweet lady who tried to fix you up with her brother, I hope in the future you might be open to whatever possibilit­ies come your way. Dear Abby: I just started seasonal houseclean­ing, and I’m realizing my house is filled with useless knickknack­s. When I get rid of an unneeded item, I remember who gave it to me and the special occasion associated with the gift. Then I start feeling guilty and wonder if I will later regret my decision to discard it. My other issue is, I live in a small town. I’m afraid if I donate something to a local charity, friends or neighbors may see it at the thrift store, and I’ll seem ungrateful for their thoughtful­ness. How can I get over these feelings of guilt as I declutter?

Cramped in the Carolinas Dear Cramped: Once a gift (or tchotchke) is given, it is the recipient’s to do with as she chooses. If someone challenges your decision to donate an item, do not become defensive. Calmly explain that you are downsizing and decided to “share the pleasure” the item brought you with someone else. Dear Abby: I was invited to a profession­al ballgame by my landlord, who has season tickets. He asked that I remind him to give me the ticket because he sells the ones he doesn’t use. I have “reminded” him three times now, but I still haven’t made it to a game. When you invite someone somewhere, is it polite to make them do the work? He brought it up to me; I didn’t ask. Am I wrong?

Annoyed in Pennsylvan­ia Dear Annoyed: Asking someone to remind you of something makes sense if the person is more organized than you are. However, it is inconsider­ate to extend an invitation and not follow through. I don’t blame you for feeling annoyed because, after three reminders and no followthro­ugh, it appears your landlord may not have been sincere in inviting you, or has sold the tickets to someone else.

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