San Francisco Chronicle

Huffman’s sentence an insufficie­nt deterrent


Concerning “When the side door leads to jail” (Editorial, Sept. 16): The sentencing of actress Felicity Huffman to 14 days in jail (along with a $30,000 fine and 250 hours of community service) for her role in the socalled Varsity Blues college admissions cheating scandal is an insufficie­nt deterrent. Those who are wealthy and famous will continue to believe that they don’t have to live under the same rules that the rest of us do.

They will still hide their assets in offshore bank accounts, look for ways to reduce their tax burdens and do whatever they can to make sure that their offspring become as rich and successful as they are. These morally bankrupt individual­s will simply find another entrance and devise another scheme to help their kids get into top universiti­es, even if side door admissions are closed.

Richard Fairchild, Walnut Creek

Emotional story

I was brought to tears by Lizzie Johnson’s “Daring recovery of a fallen hero” (Page 1, Sept. 15). I’m glad it was given front page honor. The report is a beautifull­y detailed descriptiv­e account of the risky ordeal to retrieve Braden Varney’s remains when he was killed fighting the Ferguson Fire near Yosemite National Park.

Marie Fernandez, San Bruno

Not impressed by Biden

Regarding “Democrats get addition by subtractio­n” ( John Diaz, Sept. 15): I must take issue with John Diaz’s assertion that the winner of the latest debate was Joe Biden. The bar is very low for Biden to be declared the standout in the Democratic field. As do many others, I too question his mental acuity and fear that in a debate with President Trump he would fail miserably. He rambled, shifted subjects for no reason, rehashed old tired ideas, and was incoherent at times.

Biden’s personal life events, while tragic, do not translate into a solid endorsemen­t for leadership. There were other more articulate candidates on the stage, presenting bold ideas for our dishearten­ing times. We can and must do better than Biden.

Adina Haun, San Francisco

Revolving door

Regarding “Security adviser needed to be replaced” (Letters, Sept. 16): It is naive to believe that the 45th president’s firing of hawkish John Bolton as his national security adviser represents an opportunit­y for U.S. citizens to call for a true advocate of peace, internatio­nal goodwill and diplomacy to replace him. President Trump, who has already fired two national security advisers, two White House chiefs of staff, one attorney general, and one FBI director, is too erratic and egotistica­l to hire such an individual. In his revolving door White House, anyone who conflicts with Trump simply hears him say a twoword catchphras­e from his former reality TV show “The Apprentice”: You’re fired.

Vivian Wexford, San Francisco

Show some solidarity

Regarding “Fatal car culture” (Letters, Sept. 14): I agree with some of the letter writer’s tirade against fatal car culture, but I can’t accept his dismissal of the risks of reckless cycling in the name of “false equivalenc­y.” I’ve been a cyclist for years, and I ride whenever I can. I know it’s a pain to stop for stop signs and red lights. But I do stop, and here’s why: My partner, biking down Market Street, was Tboned by another cyclist who blew through a red light. She suffered a serious shoulder separation. She had to endure months of physical therapy and years of recurrent pain. The accident changed her life. Her shoulder still hurts. That was 10 years ago. Sure, getting hit by a car would have been worse. But let’s not engage in false equivalenc­y by pretending cyclists can’t hurt people badly, or even kill them. So, even if you hate car culture, please show solidarity with your fellow cyclists and pedestrian­s by stopping at stop signs and red lights.

Kevin Bundy, Berkeley

Two kinds of justice

Count me among the millions of lawabiding citizens whose kids got into college based on their own hard work and merit as being upset that actress Felicity Huffman only received a 14day prison sentence for participat­ing in a SAT test scoreriggi­ng college admissions scandal. This sentence again confirms to Americans that there are two kinds of justice in America: one for the rich and famous, and one for everyone else.

Donna Delvecchio, Santa Clara

Stream of incoherenc­e

Regarding “Biden again hit on racial sensitivit­y” (Page 1, Sept. 14): Thank you, Joe Garofoli, for your article. I felt people were sidetracke­d/stunned by Joe Biden’s comment on “record players” and may have missed the racism in his stream of incoherenc­e. Thank you for reminding us of Biden’s history of inappropri­ate comments on race. I want to add that it is not only blacks who may change their minds about voting for Biden, but also whites who strongly support antiracist policies.

Claire Rubin, Oakland

Rules of the road

I laughed when I read “Cyclists cry foul on Berkeley fines” (Page 1, Sept. 12). Those opposed to citing cyclists for moving violations are basically saying that people who ride a bike do not have to observe the rules of the road. The rules of the road for cyclists, pedestrian­s and drivers are in place for a purpose: everyone’s safety. If bicyclists and drivers rolled through stop signs as they pleased, it would be chaos on the streets, leading to more injuries and deaths. It’s super simple: When approachin­g a stop sign, one must stop whether you’re driving a car or riding a bike. I live in a bike town where there are hundreds upon hundreds of cyclists on the road at any given time. Obviously, I’m speaking about Davis. Bicyclists in Davis break the rules of the road all the time, but because Davis is a small city designed to accommodat­e bicycle travel with over 100 miles of bike lanes and paths, it is far easier to avoid or work around those putting others in danger. As a cyclist, I am ever vigilant. Cyclists in Berkeley and elsewhere are a special group of folks. We aren’t better than anyone else or immune from traffic laws, though.

Stacy Goldenberg, Davis

Wonderful designer

Concerning “Designer to stars made mark on ‘Runway,’ ‘Beach Blanket’ ” (Sept. 16): Thank you for this remembranc­e of the wonderful fashion designer Chris March. Whether he showcased his unique talents on the stage for “Beach Blanket Babylon” or on television for “Project Runway” and “Mad Fashion,” March did so with two things sorely lacking in today’s polarized country: warmth and humor. He will be missed by his many fans.

Finn MacLaughli­n, Daly City

 ?? Joel Pett / Lexington Herald-Leader ??
Joel Pett / Lexington Herald-Leader

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