San Francisco Chronicle

Night vision for PG&E


Regarding “PG&E’s total power failure” (Editorial, Oct. 10): I was one of the many Pacific Gas and Electric Co. customers unable to access its website to learn if a preemptive power shutoff would affect my area. Given the magnitude of this firepreven­tion activity, I have two questions for this utility.

Why isn’t more action being taken to move thousands of abovegroun­d power lines below ground? Although a PG&E spokespers­on stated that inspection of power lines can only be done during the daytime, why can’t night vision technology be used to inspect them? I’m beginning to feel like the acronym PG&E stands for Pathetic, Gutless & Embarrassi­ng.

Fred Van Vliet, Petaluma

Carbon footprint obsession

“Passive and halfhearte­d regulation of PG&E” suggests the state and California Public Utilities Commission should double down on their efforts. But the state and CPUC have done plenty of regulation focusing the utility’s efforts on reducing natural gas usage, shutting down power stations and building more solar and wind.

While this focus on carbon footprint is all good and well, it has become an obsession, and the state has had blinders on to the fact that we need to plan for climate change that is already occurring.

Your readers should take note that electrical reliabilit­y and safety went by the wayside in pursuit of more visibly “green” priorities. Now we’re burning record numbers of trees, and Pacific Gas and Electric Co. is cutting down even more in their panic to contain liability. That’s what people should remember when their lights go out. Tom Mysz, Oakland

Upgrade the infrastruc­ture

Insulated power lines are widely deployed in Europe. Hasn’t been done here due to cost. Given the enormous cost and disruption caused by Pacific Gas and Electric Co. outages, we must urgently upgrade the electrical infrastruc­ture with new transmissi­on towers, insulated and undergroun­d power lines, and residentia­l solar installati­ons with battery backup.

Craig King, Burlingame

Loftus’ appointmen­t

I understand that some people have been critical of Mayor London Breed for appointing Suzy Loftus to be the district attorney. I really do not understand why.

For as long as I have known, a mayor has always had the power and duty to appoint persons to a vacant position.

That is how I became involved in San Francisco public service, and there are other numerous examples of mayors making similar appointmen­ts.

The district attorney’s position is one of the most important jobs in city government. The decisions made in that office literally depend upon good judgment as to whether an individual will go to jail or not and whether a victim feels supported and that justice has been achieved.

When you consider the credential­s and qualificat­ions of Loftus to be district attorney, she is eminently wellqualif­ied. For example, she is a prosecutor with over a decade of experience in the San Francisco district attorney’s office, having served alongside Kamala Harris when Harris was district attorney and then attorney general; she has served as president of the San Francisco Police Commission and most recently as counsel for the sheriff ’s department.

She has the support of community leaders and served as a neighborho­od district attorney. Anyone who knows Loftus also knows that she has a great sense of justice. No wonder that Breed made the appointmen­t that she did. It was an excellent appointmen­t!

Louise Renne, former S.F. city attorney, San Francisco

Looking for right candidate

Concerning “Dems will be agreeable at LGBTQ forum” (Oct. 10): As a registered Democrat who is also a lesbian, I’m looking to support a presidenti­al candidate who is not only wellacquai­nted with issues facing the LGBTQ community, but who intends to move the nation forward from the damage inflicted upon it by President Trump.

That includes repealing his ban on transgende­r people serving in the military, making passage of the Equality Act a priority, and urging all Americans to practice tolerance of all minority groups. Unlike the present administra­tion’s divisive rhetoric, I believe that we are a better nation when we embrace not reject our diversity. Francine TompkinsOl­iviera, Berkeley

Invest in the infrastruc­ture

Reliable electricit­y is essential to California’s economy. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and other utilities don’t have the capital or borrowing ability to make the enormous investment required to safeguard their lines by putting them undergroun­d or replacing bare wires with insulated lines.

The only entity with the ability to fund this massive investment is the state of California. Issue bonds and raise taxes to take over the assets of all the state’s electricit­y companies through eminent domain.

Run them properly as nonprofit state agencies. There is no other logical way to stop the selfservin­g power outages that will be our destiny for decades. William Sauro, San Francisco

Put power lines undergroun­d

How much will it cost to (over the next 10 years?) put all Pacific Gas and Electric Co. power lines undergroun­d, especially in rural, highvegeta­tion areas?

Are human lives worth enough to mandate this step? If human lives are not worth enough, then how about the millions of dollars in property damage, lost housing, businesses and whole towns due to fires caused by PG&E lines in high winds?

PG&E would probably rather spend millions stopping high winds than doing anything which would actually prevent fires.

Jeanne Bishop, San Leandro

 ?? Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee ??
Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee

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