San Francisco Chronicle

Forecast: They’ll be skiing in the rain


I read with interest “Membersonl­y skiing taking shape at Tahoe” (Dec. 27), about Troy Caldwell’s proposed ski developmen­t between Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows. I wonder if he has thought much about the implicatio­ns of climate change for his project.

There is strong agreement among the available numerical climate models that, with continued business as usual, the temperatur­e regime in the northern Sierra at 9,000 feet will, before the end of this century, be comparable to the present conditions at the elevation (6,200 feet) of Lake Tahoe.

Caldwell’s warming hut (situated below 8,000 feet) will be a cozy spot for skiers (if there are any) to come in out of the rain.

Robert Coats, Berkeley

An unsettling contrast

Another reminder of our state’s wealth inequality is reflected in two frontpage stories on Dec. 27: “Membersonl­y skiing taking shape in Tahoe” and “Center offers calm respite from Tenderloin turmoil.”

In the first article, someone who owns hundreds of acres of land between Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows envisions a gated community for experience­d skiers with private homes, a bowling alley, a movie theater, swimming pools, a warming hut, an iceskating rink, tennis courts and other amenities. In the second article, nearly 200 homeless and poor people come to the Healing Well, a nonprofit center in San Francisco, for free classes in yoga, acupunctur­e and 12step addiction recovery meetings.

California cannot truly be the Golden State until all the needs of its residents, especially its poorest ones with inadequate food or shelter, are met.

Luisa Westbrook, San Francisco

It won’t happen

“Senate: Restore that deduction” (editorial, Dec. 27) urges that chamber to follow the House’s narrow passage of legislatio­n to remove a cap on deductions based on state and local taxes collective­ly known as SALT, which predominan­tly affects voters in Democratic voting states. Everyone knows that SALT is DOA (Dead on Arrival) in a Republican­majority Senate led by someone who fancies himself as the real POTUS, Majority Leader Mitch “I’m not impartial” McConnell.

Michelle Wang, Mountain View

Smallminde­d thinking

Concerning “Pottymouth POTUS” (Dec. 27): Given President Trump’s complete misunderst­anding of the purpose of lowflow toilets, watereffic­ient household fixtures and energygene­rating wind turbines, his statement, “so the world is tiny compared to the universe,” would be more comprehens­ible and truthful if he substitute­d the words “my mind” for the world and “the average person” for the universe. Henrik Lundquist, Larkspur

Optimistic outlook

Reading the editorial page makes me proud again to be a San Franciscan! I appreciate the mix, sometimes to remind me we don’t always agree, and always look forward to the editorial/ letters page, wishing it were more than just one.

Friday’s editorial columns actually gave me optimism for our future. Thank you so much for a great start to the day.

Jean Amos, San Francisco

GOP’s blind loyalty

The public, all of us, regardless of political party, is as entitled to a fair trial as the accused are. It is shameful that United States senators would go on national television and proclaim they are not impartial and have already declared the president will not be removed from office. Members of the Judiciary Committee and the full House of Representa­tives that voted for the articles of impeachmen­t have honored the Constituti­on and their oaths of office. Conversely, those who did not, or will not, consider the evidence and make an informed choice have not honored their oath or the Constituti­on.

History will prove the Republican­s wrong in blindly defending the president.

Douglas Lynch, Pleasanton

Bracing for 2020

As Christmas recedes and the New Year is upon us, I can’t shake a nagging thought on how U.S. history repeats itself on about an 7585year cycle.

As I enjoyed this holiday season, I found myself thinking, is this what Christmas was like in 1940? And 2020 is 80 years after 1940. Eighty years earlier was 1860, and 85 years earlier was 1775. All dramatic and nationalte­ring years. It’s all probably a coincidenc­e, but what does lie ahead in 2020?

Paul Bignardi, San Mateo

No laughing matter

After all the hype about the best actor guarantee for “Joker,” I finally got to see the film. What a horrible disservice to people with mental problems in painting a picture of a psychopath­ic murderer. As former chief of psychiatry at St. Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco, I never saw a laughing lunatic (after 39 years), nor a patient who was a mass murderer. I did see plenty of patients who were assaulted, marginaliz­ed and stigmatize­d. So much for the media presenting a balanced picture.

Mel Blaustein, M.D., San Francisco

Not on my menu

Regarding “A fishing tale — from science” (Daily Briefing, Dec. 27): Sorry, but this seafood lover is not clamoring to sample labcreated yellowtail or salmon. Such offerings should only be prepared by AI (artificial intelligen­ce) sushi bots, not reallife sushi chefs.

Sasha Englander, San Rafael

 ?? Tim Campbell / Washington Post Writers Group ??
Tim Campbell / Washington Post Writers Group

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