San Francisco Chronicle

Gyms jampacked now — luckily, not for long

- CAILLE MILLNER Caille Millner is a San Francisco Chronicle staff editor and writer. Email: cmillner@ sfchronicl­ Twitter:@caillemill­ner

I stopped by my gym the other day, just to confirm that we are still in the thick of New Year’s resolution­s season. We are. In principle, I have nothing against the hordes that flood my gym, your gym, everyone’s gym during the month of January.

I make resolution­s every year, too, even though mine are usually more of the moderately achievable “organize the hall closet” variety than the overly ambitious “lose 20 pounds” type. Besides, what kind of miserable person would poohpooh anyone’s attempt at selfimprov­ement?

But, as a regular exerciser, I find the month of January to be a dishearten­ing time. I know I’m not alone.

The New York Times is publishing articles with headlines that read, “How to Deal with January Crowds at the Gym.”

My Facebook news feed is full of complaints about newcomers hogging all the treadmills and screwing up the arrangemen­t of the free weight racks.

My casual eavesdropp­ing in the locker room has turned up nothing but bellyachin­g about oversubscr­ibed group classes, waiting lists for the bike machines and crowded swim lanes (OK, so I might have been chiming in on that last conversati­on).

In any month other than January, none of us would be so unwelcomin­g to new gymgoers. Something about the resolution­s crowd erases our selfawaren­ess. We forget that we were all gym beginners once. Some of us even manage to maintain our exercise habits not because of our natural superiorit­y but because we made a longago resolution that somehow stuck.

Horrified by the newcomers’ slow pace and lack of gym etiquette (why do so many people “forget” to wipe the machines after they’ve finished using them?), we become just as insufferab­le as the newbies.

This year, I’ve chosen to direct my ire not at the newcomers but the gyms themselves. After all, it’s the economics of the gym industry that make us all so miserable during these early weeks of January.

Gyms sign up way more people than they can reasonably accommodat­e. Planet Fitness, one of the nation’s largest gym chains, came in for a public lashing a few years ago when NPR reported that they have an average of 6,500 members per gym — while most of their gyms can accommodat­e only about 300 people.

The reason they do this, other than pure greed? Because they know most of those people will herd into those gyms for only a few weeks at the beginning of the year. Then, the usual realities of life will conspire to force most of them to drop their workout routine and begin the year’s descent into sloth.

It’s cynical, but it’s also true: More than a decade ago, economists Stefano DellaVigne and Ulrike Malmendier published a paper with a wonderful title, “Paying Not to Go the Gym.” They found that gym members who paid monthly fees went to the gym just 4.3 times per month, paying $17 for each visit when they could have paid $10 per visit as a nonmember.

Their research should be reconfirme­d and updated. But I have no reason to believe their upshot explanatio­n for this personal finance debacle — “overconfid­ence about future selfcontro­l or about future efficiency” — has changed since 2006.

It’s a shame that the fitness industry has chosen this economic model — it basically amounts to a baitandswi­tch. To get you to sign the contract, they lure you in with shiny brochures and ampedup talk about all the weight you’ll lose and the muscles you’ll gain. But as soon as you’ve given them permission to directly debit your bank account every month, they don’t want to see you anymore. They make their money when you

don’t show up. On the other hand, this gives those of us who regularly go to the gym another way to regard those newcomers. They’re not annoyances; they’re doing their best to beat the Man! Just as you are. From this perspectiv­e, every hogged machine, every used towel and every overbooked class slot is a victory for the little guy and a blow to an insulting business model. By working hand in hand, gym regulars and clueless New Year’s resolution­ers can improve their health and get one over on late capitalism. What’s not to love? Or, at the very least — if you’re waiting an extra 20 minutes while some newbie keeps screwing up the settings on the elliptical machine — what’s not to smile about?

“But Caille,” you say, “that 20 minutes has extended to 25. My philosophi­cal mindset has failed me.”

The last, and maybe most important, truism of January at the gym? You’ll have it all to yourself again by Valentine’s Day.

It’s the economics of the gym industry that make us all so miserable during these early weeks of January.

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