San Francisco Chronicle

Mental health issues heightened by virus crisis

- By Sarah Feldberg Sarah Feldberg is San Francisco Chronicle Culture Desk editor. Email: sarah.feldberg@sfchronicl­ Twitter: @sarahfeldb­erg

Monday’s “shelter in place” order is an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronaviru­s in the Bay Area. But while the virus itself is a source of anxiety and stress, the precaution­s taken to protect residents’ physical safety are also having a detrimenta­l impact on people’s mental health.

“We’re having mental health crises, as you might expect,” says Dr. Elissa Epel, professor of psychiatry at UCSF Weill Institute for Neuroscien­ces. “Dealing with a global pandemic is new to most of us alive today. This is a very novel situation steeped in uncertaint­y and full of threat. It’s the ideal mixture of circumstan­ces that will make anyone feel anxiety.”

Feeling worried right now is totally normal. But living in uncertain times shouldn’t mean letting stress spiral out of control, says Dr. Don Mordecai, Kaiser Permanente’s national leader for mental health and wellness.

We asked Mordecai and Epel how the coronaviru­s is affecting Bay Area residents’ mental well-being and strategies for staying connected during the global pandemic.

If you’re feeling in crisis due to the coronaviru­s, find mental health resources at the bottom of this story.

Q: How is the coronaviru­s impacting people’s mental health?

A: Many people are feeling anxious, stressed and concerned about the coronaviru­s. Experienci­ng some anxiety, Epel says, is normal and good. It drives us to take the necessary measures to stay safe. “But the human mind is also well equipped to overpredic­t danger, and that turns into panic,” she says. “The problem with panic is that it’s highly socially contagious.”

Hoarding groceries doesn’t just strip shelves and leave people without cans of black beans, it also creates a ripple of panic that spreads to others.

Q: How are the precaution­s we’re taking — sheltering in place and social distancing — affecting mental well-being?

A: The measures we’re taking to prevent the spread of the disease have their own potential cost in creating loneliness and isolation. Mordecai worries that people following the

“shelter in place” order could feel extremely socially isolated.

“Social distancing and social isolation can be different,” he says. “Make it your mission to strengthen social bonds even as we maintain our distance from one another.”

Q: Who is most at risk?

A: People who already suffer with existing mental health issues like depression and anxiety are the most vulnerable to the additional stress. “This can feel like an unbearable load,” Epel says.

With the “shelter in place” order in effect until at least April 7, senior citizens who may be more isolated and people who live alone are also especially at risk.

“If you are somebody who’s struggling, reach out and use your support system,” Mordecai says. “One of the cruelest things about depression is that it pulls people inward. It’s OK to share that burden.”

Q: How can we stay connected during “shelter in place”?

A: Send a message, get on the phone or use video chat to stay in touch. “Video is better than audio,” Epel says, suggesting video chat apps such as Facetime and Zoom. “Seeing human faces is reassuring. It provides so much more informatio­n about how someone’s doing.”

Q: What strategies can help people cope with the “shelter in place” order?

A: Self-care during self-quarantine means eating well, getting enough sleep and spending time outside to the extent that it’s safe and possible.

Mordecai suggests trying a gratitude practice — writing down or sharing something you’re grateful for every day.

Epel recommends establishi­ng a new schedule or daily structure to replace patterns thrown out of whack by school closures and working from home.

“My family sat down with a piece of paper and wrote down a schedule,” Epel says. It includes mealtimes, work blocks, social hours and movie nights. She also advises making a concerted effort to step away from screens and coronaviru­s news during the day. Maybe that means turning off your phone and going for a walk. Maybe it’s designatin­g meal-time conversati­on as coronaviru­s-free. “I really think breaks are critical,” Epel says.

Q: What should you do if you start to feel really anxious or stressed?

A: First, recognize what you’re feeling. Then, think about the tools you use to manage stress — exercise, cooking or art — and tap into them. And don’t forget the power of deep breathing. “It can be a very powerful way to settle yourself just by taking slow deep breaths,” Mordecai says. Breathe in on the count of five. Exhale slowly. Repeat.

Q: What are the warning signs we should watch for in ourselves or others?

A: Anxiety is normal right now, but when it starts interrupti­ng your ability to manage daily life or sleep, that’s a cause for concern.

“We want to prevent people from feeling hopeless, because we will be going through a hard next month,” Epel says. “We have to remember we can survive this, this is short term and (to) approach it day to day with new, fresh energy to make the best of it.”

Mental health resources

Felton Institute San Francisco Suicide Prevention provides a 24-hour hotline for people experienci­ng mental health crises. 415-781-0500.

Institute on Aging offers a 24-hour friendship line for people 60 years and older, adults with disabiliti­es and those feeling isolated. 800-971-0016.

Mental Health Associatio­n of San Francisco has a 24-hour peer-run line for nonemergen­cy emotional support. 855-8457415.

Headspace meditation app has a library of guided meditation­s.

Ten Percent Happier app offers guided meditation­s, coronaviru­s-focused sessions (free of charge) and a daily virus-focused livestream and Q&A.

Virus Anxiety website (www.virusanxie­ daily mantras, write-in mental health questions and calming online distractio­ns.

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