San Francisco Chronicle

Orinda nursing home hit hard

27 residents and staff members test positive — 2 are hospitaliz­ed

- By Anna Bauman

An investigat­ion this week into a nursing home in Orinda revealed that the coronaviru­s swept through the 47bed facility, infecting a total of 27 people in what is one of the largest reported outbreaks at a single location in California.

Health officials said Friday that they began investigat­ing Orinda Care Center after receiving reports of a coronaviru­s outbreak at the skilled nursing facility. Officials initially found fives cases of COVID19, including two residents who were hospitaliz­ed and three staff members. But more testing revealed a much more alarming situation: Results returned positive for 22 additional residents, or more than half of the people living there.

“Unfortunat­ely, this does not come as a surprise,” said Dr. Chris Farnitano, the county’s health officer. “This is something we’ve been worried about and preparing for for quite some time.”

In addition to the Orinda Care Center outbreak, the county is investigat­ing several other reports of COVID19 at other sensitive places — nursing homes or other congregate settings, Dan Peddycord, the county’s public health director, said Friday.

“The situation is very serious, and we are deeply concerned about residents of our

senior care facilities in Contra Costa County,” Farnitano said. “That is why we need everyone to follow the stayathome order, social distancing guidance and other measures in recent health orders — to protect the people in our community who are vulnerable to severe illness from COVID19.”

More than 400 longterm care facilities in the U.S. have at least one case of COVID19, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported this week. That number nearly tripled since March 23, when the agency said 147 facilities had reported cases.

The California Department of Public Health declined to provide informatio­n about cases at longterm care facilities in the state. But plenty of evidence suggests the Orinda facility is not an outlier. There are at least 12 cases among residents and staff at Laguna Honda, San Francisco’s 780bed nursing home. Canyon Springs Care, a San Jose skilled nursing and rehabilita­tion center, reported 11 cases of COVID19 among residents and staff on Friday.

A Southern California nursing home in San Bernardino County reported 57 cases and two deaths earlier this week. Los Angeles County health officials reported there are 11 longterm care facilities with at least a single case. Bay Area county health officials have not released similar informatio­n.

The virus, which causes respirator­y symptoms and fever, is most deadly to older adults and those with underlying health conditions. According to the CDC, 80% of people who have died in the U.S. from COVID19 were 65 years or older.

This makes nursing home residents particular­ly vulnerable to severe symptoms if they catch the contagion.

“Once it gets in a facility, because the patients are so vulnerable, they’re so old, they have so many chronic conditions —it can spread very fast,” said Charlene Harrington, a retired nursing professor at the UCSF. “Even though the families haven’t been able to come in, you have the staff going out and getting exposed.”

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services conducted targeted inspection­s to assess whether nursing homes were prepared to fight COVID19. This week it found that 36% of facilities inspected in recent days did not follow proper handwashin­g guidelines and 25% failed to demonstrat­e proper use of personal protective equipment.

After 37 deaths were linked to the LifeCare nursing home in Kirkland, Wash., nursing homes everywhere went on high alert. In midMarch, Bay Area county health officials ordered nursing homes to ban visitors, cancel group gatherings and follow strict health protocols.

“However, we were always aware that those steps were not a guarantee against an outbreak,” said Farnitano, the Contra Costa County health officer.

At the Orinda facility, 14 residents and staff had tested negative, some test results were still pending and some staff still needed to be tested by Friday afternoon.

Since learning of the outbreak, county health officials isolated the COVID19 positive cases in a separate area of the facility. To preserve staffing, Farnitano said, some staff who test positive can care for COVID19 positive residents if the staffers are asymptomat­ic. Those staff members would be required to wear personal protective equipment at all times and could not intermingl­e with the noninfecte­d portion of the facility.

“As long as we keep them together, neither staff nor residents are placed at any additional risk,” Farnitano said.

Harrington, however, said she thought it would be dangerous for infected staff members to continue working and risk transmitti­ng the virus to their family members at home.

Harrington called the outbreak an emergency and said it required the facility to bring in more staff, including an infectious control expert.

“I think most of them are gonna get it,” she said.

The county is training the facility’s staff on wearing protective gear, and officials have requested additional masks, gloves and gowns to meet the surging need.

No other infected people have been sent to the hospital because they all have mild symptoms, Farnitano said. He did not know the condition of the two who were hospitaliz­ed.

Health officials said they are monitoring residents and staff at the nursing home and that tests will be given to anyone who develops symptoms in coming days.

The CDC recommende­d this week that nursing homes designate separate units within a facility for COVID19 patients, or create separate facilities entirely. In Massachuse­tts, a skilled nursing facility was converted into a COVID19 care center. Elderly people from across the region who are discharged from hospitals with a known or suspected case of COVID19 can go there instead of populating scattered homes. The centralize­d location prevents the virus from spreading to a host of facilities, health officials said.

In California, meanwhile, officials ordered nursing homes to accept COVID19 patients from overflowin­g hospitals, which critics called a “death sentence.” Harrington said there are several nursing home advocacy groups that want California to adopt the centralize­d care approach like Massachuse­tts.

“We really want the state to set up special facilities to handle COVID19,” Harrington said. “The typical nursing home, they don’t have the staff, the training and the expertise to handle these cases.”

 ?? Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle ?? A pedestrian passes the Orinda Care Center where 27 residents and staff are infected with the coronaviru­s.
Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle A pedestrian passes the Orinda Care Center where 27 residents and staff are infected with the coronaviru­s.
 ??  ?? Contra Costa County Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano discusses the Orinda outbreak.
Contra Costa County Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano discusses the Orinda outbreak.

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