San Francisco Chronicle

National survey: Most oppose lockdown protests

- By Randall Chase and Emily Swanson Randall Chase and Emily Swanson are Associated Press writers.

WASHINGTON — A majority of Americans disapprove of protests against restrictio­ns aimed at preventing the spread of the coronaviru­s, according to a new poll that also finds support for such limits — including restaurant closures and stayathome orders — has dipped in recent weeks.

The survey from the University of Chicago Divinity School and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds 55% of Americans disapprove of the protests that have emerged as some begin chafing at measures that have decimated the global economy. Thirtyone percent approve of the demonstrat­ions.

In Michigan, thousands of people rallied in the state capital last month to protest Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s restrictio­ns. Hundreds returned two weeks later, some of them armed, to demonstrat­e inside the statehouse.

Democrats are more likely than Republican­s to disapprove of such protests, 67% to 51%. Thirtytwo percent of Republican­s and 25% of Democrats say they approve.

Adam Blann, 37, of Carson City, Nev., said he does not personally favor the protests, but does not believe they should be restricted.

“Its a tough situation,” said Blann, a Republican­leaning voter. “But I also think that one of the reasons we live in a great country is that we have freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom to protest.”

As some states have begun to slowly ease restrictio­ns on businesses and individual­s, the poll finds that 71% of Americans favor requiring people to stay in their homes except for essential errands. Support for such measures is down slightly from 80% two weeks earlier.

The margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.

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