San Francisco Chronicle

Questions on Bay Area’s gradual reopening


Reading that “Caltrain mulls full shutdown” (May 9) was a shock, although not incomprehe­nsible, considerin­g the current situation.

Even as we slowly return to opening businesses, people may still be fearful of public transit, where it can be difficult or impossible to maintain physical distance, or know if others will be respectful of health and safety guidelines. It would be very informativ­e to know what employers, including the largest on the Peninsula and South Bay, are planning for a gradual reopening, regarding employee schedules. It might also help agencies like Caltrain predict whether ridership will rebound. Are employers going to allow flexible hours and continue to allow or encourage working from home?

Have they polled their employees to see how many would like to continue to work from home on a regular or occasional basis? We need to start thinking about whether we are going to open to even worse highway gridlock than before the pandemic hit.

The Chronicle is doing a great job keeping us up to date on COVID19 issues. This could be a good topic for investigat­ion.

Sheila Callaghan, San Mateo

Tip for fogged lenses

After reading “Vision care may matter even more in pandemic” (May 11), I’d like to offer some good advice from AARP (American Associatio­n of Retired Persons) to my fellow eyeglass wearers who are experienci­ng fogged lenses while wearing masks during this COVID19 health crisis: To prevent your exhaled breath from reaching your glasses, place a folded tissue between your mouth and the mask.

It will absorb the warm, moist air you exhale, and keep it from reaching your glasses. And when you get home, don’t forget to dispose of the tissue, wash your hands, and clean your mask!

Agatha Abernathy, Palo Alto

Same issues reappear

Regarding “S.F.’s AntiMask League rebelled during 1918 flu” (May 10): Thank you, Peter Hartlaub, for your amazing “Twilight Zone” article about “mask slackers” who inhabited the city more than a century ago.

It actually brought me comfort to know that the human condition has not deteriorat­ed, but instead all of us and our ancestors grapple with the same issues in our lives.

The story gave me a connection to the “human story” and made me feel a bit more connected despite our difference­s. Best to remember and learn from the past; otherwise, we are destined to repeat it.

Anne Washmera, Alameda

A fatal approach

Regarding “Sweden’s response” (May 11): The letter writer assails the “brutal assault” of California’s social distancing rules and praises Sweden’s more relaxed approach. Perhaps he will reconsider when he learns that Sweden’s coronaviru­s death rate is six times higher than its neighbors Norway and Finland.

Jeff Carlock, Berkeley

Two epidemics to battle

As an American Jew who lost many relatives during the Holocaust, I’m saddened to read “AntiSemiti­sm” (News of the Day, May 11), which notes a 13% increase in crimes against Jews and Jewish institutio­ns in Germany during 2019. There is a similar situation here in the U.S., where hate crimes against Jews are on the rise, especially since Donald Trump became president. According to The AntiDefama­tion

League, which began tracking antiSemiti­c hate crimes decades ago, the past year brought the thirdhighe­st spike on record in America for such incidents.

And even though Trump has promoted himself as being strongly proIsrael, his comment that there were “fine people on both sides” of a 2017 white supremacis­t march in Charlottes­ville, Va., only emboldened hate groups and bigotry. In 2020, this nation is actually battling twin epidemics: COVID19 and antiSemiti­sm.

Arthur Leibowitz, San Francisco

Advice on work safety

As a veteran officebase­d pediatrici­an, I have seven simple suggestion­s for returning to work, derived from working in a highly contaminat­ed environmen­t for 40 years, that I am certain will allow a safe return for most people. 1) Assume entire work space (and consequent­ly your hands) are contaminat­ed at all times because eventually it will happen. 2) Keep your hands out of your mouth at work or in public. 3) Wash hands thoroughly just before eating or lunch.

4) Do not play with phone while eating. 5) Try not to even touch your food with your hands while eating if possible. 6) No snacking with finger foods at your workspace.

7) Wash thoroughly upon returning home. Although the current obsession is with masks and distancing, the issue with hand washing, particular­ly in the context of eating, has barely been addressed. There is no reason to assume this virus behaves significan­tly differentl­y than nearly all other respirator­y viruses, which primarily transmit through the contaminat­ed surfacetoh­andtomouth route.

Wear the mask and keep distance to be extra safe as well, but don’t overlook what I feel is a much greater danger. Also, use soap and water, not hand sanitizer.

Charles Hanson, Walnut Creek

Not a winning ticket

Regarding “An Obama on the ticket” (Letters, May 9): One letter writer suggested a Joe Biden/Michelle Obama ticket. Though I am sure Ms. Obama would be a great candidate, the problem is this: The (perceived) flaws of the Obama/Biden administra­tion (and equated in many minds with Hillary Clinton) is what turned many voters to President Trump. Putting forth a Biden/Obama ticket is certainly not going to bring those people back (despite the gaffes of Trump).

I am not sure who would be the best candidate for vice president, but I think Michelle Obama (as much as I admire her) would hurt where it counts: the election ballot box.

Stuart Silberman, San Francisco

Farewell, Betty Wright

Rest in peace, Betty Wright. She was a great vocalist and pioneer of scat, whistle register, head voice and vibrato. Her rich yet jazzy tone was unmatched and unparallel­ed. She will be missed.

Paul Bacon, Hallandale Beach, Fla.

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Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee

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