San Francisco Chronicle

Issues test high court’s independen­ce

- By Bob Egelko

After resounding judicial defeats in the past week on immigratio­n and gay rights, President Trump tweeted Thursday, “Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?”

Maybe so, said a Bay Area law professor, and such a view of the president is both a natural and potentiall­y healthy response by the court and its most influentia­l member.

“I think he’s correct, that his repeated insults about the federal judiciary have made the chief justice of the federal judiciary unhappy,” said Rory Little, a professor at UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco and a former Justice Department attorney and Supreme Court law clerk.

Chief Justice John Roberts “is the defender of the judicial branch,” Little said. And while Roberts is still part of a fivejustic­e conservati­ve majority on most issues, he said, his votes

against Trump’s position in this week’s cases — and authorship of Thursday’s 54 ruling blocking the president’s attempt to abolish the DACA program for young undocument­ed immigrants — show that “the chief justice is unwilling to decide cases on purely political grounds.”

“The court still sees itself as being an independen­t check on the legislativ­e and executive branches. That’s heartening,” said Joel Paul, another UC Hastings law professor. He said it was also significan­t that Monday’s 63 ruling prohibitin­g employment discrimina­tion based on sexual orientatio­n or gender identity, under a 1964 law banning sex discrimina­tion at work, was written by Justice Neil Gorsuch, a Trump appointee, and joined by Roberts.

Gorsuch’s opinion, though opposed by political conservati­ves, was judicially conservati­ve, Paul said — based entirely on the text of the law and his conclusion that differenti­al treatment of gay, lesbian and transgende­r employees was discrimina­tion based on their sex. But a conservati­ve law professor saw it differentl­y.

The 1964 law had never been interprete­d to apply to LGBTQ employees until now, legislatio­n to broaden it has failed repeatedly, and Gorsuch’s interpreta­tion was “laughable,” said John Eastman of Chapman University in Orange County. He said the court’s recent display of “independen­ce” amounted to “putting forward policy judgments that no one can counterman­d. That’s judicial tyranny, not judicial independen­ce.”

Among the cases still to be decided in the final weeks of the 201920 term are demands by Congress and New York prosecutor­s for Trump’s tax returns and other financial records, which the president has withheld. Paul said those rulings could illuminate the justices’ dividing line between law and politics.

“If the president can say, ‘I don’t want you touching my taxes,’ and the courts back off, it would be a very, very troubling sign,” he said.

Trump has lashed out at judges throughout his presidency, denouncing the “socalled judge” who ruled against his travel ban, labeling a U.S.born jurist a biased “Mexican judge” because of his parentage, and regularly attacking the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, which has issued a number of rulings against him.

After Trump berated the “Obama judge” who had blocked his restrictio­ns on political asylum in November 2018, Roberts issued a rare public rebuttal, saying, “We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges,” but simply “an extraordin­ary group of dedicated judges.”

While that is literally true — judges share the same titles — presidents of both parties seek to appoint sympatheti­c jurists, particular­ly to courts that can determine the fate of laws and policies. On the current Supreme Court, five Republican appointees, including Roberts, have sided with conservati­ves in most, though not all, of their highprofil­e cases.

Roberts wrote the majority opinions in 54 rulings upholding Trump’s ban on U.S. entry from a group of countries with mostly Muslim majorities in 2018. He also wrote another 2018 ruling declaring that federal courts could not review partisan gerrymande­ring of state legislativ­e districts, and the 2013 ruling that stripped the Voting Rights Act of its strongest enforcemen­t provision, which had required Justice Department clearance of changes to voting laws or practices in states or counties with a history of racial discrimina­tion.

But Roberts, appointed by President George W. Bush in 2005, has sided with the court’s more liberal justices in some of its most important cases — most notably the 54 ruling in 2012 that upheld nearly all of President Barack Obama’s health care law, which extended insurance coverage to 30 million Americans.

He also wrote the 2019 ruling that blocked Trump from adding a citizenshi­p question to the 2020 census, an addition that would have helped Republican­s by reducing census participat­ion, and congressio­nal representa­tion, in states with high immigrant population­s. Like Thursday’s ruling on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the census ruling was legally narrow — Roberts said Trump had the power to include the citizenshi­p question, and to repeal DACA, but had failed to provide the credible explanatio­n required by law.

Trump dropped the citizenshi­p question after the court ruling. He tweeted Friday that he would quickly give the court the explanatio­n it needs to rescind DACA, but no judicial action is likely until after the November election, which will probably determine the fate of the program.

“I think Roberts calls it the way he sees it,” said Erwin Chemerinsk­y, the law school dean at UC Berkeley and a liberal legal scholar. He said the chief justice “has agreed with the Trump administra­tion more often than not” and that his stance in the recent cases “reaffirms that there really is an independen­t judiciary.”

But Ilya Shapiro, a constituti­onal law scholar at the libertaria­n Cato Institute, said Roberts’ decisions in the census and DACA cases show that “he thinks about politics over the rule of law. His project has always been to try to get the court seen as less political.”

Likewise, said Eastman of

Chapman University, when Roberts preserved the Affordable Care Act by defining its financial penalty for individual­s who do not buy insurance as a “tax” Congress was authorized to impose, he “distorts the law to reach a conclusion he thought was necessary to protect the court’s reputation.”

Some of Roberts’ supporters agree that his rulings may reflect a concern for the court’s public standing. A broader question is the role of public opinion, which largely supported this week’s rulings on DACA and gay rights.

Although the justices swear to base their decisions on the law and not the popularity of their actions, the LGBTQ ruling would have been virtually unthinkabl­e in 1964, when federal law first banned job discrimina­tion based on sex. Changes in public attitudes since then made it easier for Gorsuch, Roberts and four of their colleagues to conclude that denial of employment because of sexual orientatio­n or gender identity was an action motivated by sex, since an applicant of a different gender would have been treated differentl­y.

Judges “read the newspapers, watch TV,” said Little of UC Hastings. “I don’t think it changes their opinion much, (but) I think they want to be able to show up at their local Bar Associatio­n meeting or basketball games and have friendly associatio­ns.”

Eastman accused the court of bowing to “a rarefied, elite version of the New YorkD.C. corridor public opinion that they’re imposing on the rest of country.”

 ?? Leah Millis / Associated Press ?? Chief Justice John Roberts, a member of the Supreme Court’s 54 conservati­ve majority, surprised many with his votes on immigrants and gay rights.
Leah Millis / Associated Press Chief Justice John Roberts, a member of the Supreme Court’s 54 conservati­ve majority, surprised many with his votes on immigrants and gay rights.

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