San Francisco Chronicle

Justices must keep president in check


Thank you to the justices of the Supreme Court for upholding and expanding individual rights under an administra­tion that seems to have the opposite in mind. Your role in our system is crucial during times like these when Congress is stymied and the president seeks increased powers. Beyond interpreta­tion of the law, you are a vital third leg regarding checks and balances. We need pushback against an authoritar­ian train that has left the station and must be slowed before it is too late.

Mark Allendorf, San Mateo

Enforce wearing masks

Regarding “State edict mandates wearing of masks” (Page 1, June 19): Thanks for the good article on mask requiremen­ts. The wellintent­ioned mandate for wearing masks unfortunat­ely is ignored by more than 50% of the people in San Francisco. My wife and I walk a couple of miles every day in the city and see very little change.

Just like the ordinance against motorized vehicles (escooters) on sidewalks, mandates are totally ineffectiv­e without enforcemen­t. If someone sees another person violating the mandate they feel entitled to ignore the mandate. The best and healthiest mandate is with enforcemen­t in place. I have sent this message about enforcemen­t to all of our officials but am completely ignored. I am surprised that your great newspaper has not used its power to lobby for enforcemen­t. Please help!

Marc Thornburgh, San Francisco

Keep kids protected

Concerning “Safety ideas discussed for gatherings” (Page 1, June 19): If the California Department of Health order mandating face masks to be worn outdoors when people can’t safely practice social distancing only exempts children who are ages 2 and under, then why are older kids at social gatherings not wearing them? Though unlikely, some of these children could be asymptomat­ic coronaviru­s carriers, and spread the illness to the adults around them. I urge parents to keep face masks for their kids to wear at future play dates or activities involving individual­s not living in their households.

Barbara Sandstrom, San Francisco

Why reform is needed

Regarding “No need for reform” (Letters, June 18): The author is making the point of those who demand reform:

Police need to be able to make splitsecon­d decisions. They need to be levelheade­d enough to see the difference between a threat and a drunk, to recognize the difference between a terrorist and a child with a toy gun. We expect them to be unafraid for their lives and able to do their jobs. Those who cannot do so either need training or counseling or they need to find another line of work. Otherwise, we end up with avoidable deaths and loud and long protests. In other words, we end up where we now find ourselves.

Neena Sessa, South San Francisco

Commemorat­e DiMaggio

Regarding “Columbus knocked off of his pedestal” ( June 19): Now that the Christophe­r Columbus statue at Coit Tower was removed, the city should install a new statue dedicated to Joe DiMaggio. DiMaggio was the son of Italian immigrants who moved to San Francisco. This will give the Italian American community someone to look up to and still be proud of today. The immigrant community will also have someone to look to as the family moved to America and made a successful life for both them and their kids. DiMaggio grew up in North Beach and has a connection to our great city and our values.

He also served in the military during World War II that reflected the time America came together. San Francisco needs a new statue in front of Coit Tower that has a positive connection to the people who live and visit, and Joe DiMaggio is that person.

Howard Kahan, San Francisco

Premature to defund

There is much talk of defunding the police force nowadays. That is premature; the police must remain armed as long as the felons are about. Consequent­ly, the first objective must be to reduce the scandalous availabili­ty of firearms in the American citizenry. Another priority is to make the police stations userfriend­ly. A few years ago, I wanted to report that my car had been broken into, and to my very unpleasant surprise, walked over to the nearest police station and was treated like a criminal, locked up in a tiny cubicle, waiting a long time for an officer who came armed to the teeth. Of course, letting everybody into a police station could cause problems, but would it not be just the same for banks? Still, I can walk in or out of banks quite freely. It thus appears that the primary goal of the police force is that of protecting itself, with protecting the citizens apparently being of secondary importance.

Didier de Fontaine, Berkeley

Missing baseball games

Concerning “Mountain lion roaming S.F. captured near Oracle Park” ( June 19): I’m not surprised to learn that a wild cat was captured Thursday morning near Oracle Park. It probably misses San Francisco Giants baseball games as much as other fans do during this current coronaviru­s pandemic.

Belinda Davis, San Francisco

 ?? Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee ??
Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee

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