San Francisco Chronicle

Bay cities cut police budgets, and officials say more to come

- By Rachel Swan

Cities and public agencies throughout the Bay Area are rushing to slash their police budgets, an idea that would have seemed radical only six weeks ago.

Early Wednesday morning, the Berkeley City Council approved a budget with $9.2 million in police cuts, much of it redirected to social programs. Oakland stripped $14.3 million from its police budget last week, but city officials vowed to go further in response to protests.

San Francisco city leaders — with backing from Police Chief Bill Scott — said weeks ago they are looking to move funding away from policing and into other city services.

Last month, the Oakland Unified School District board voted to purge officers from school campuses.

And BART, the Bay Area’s sprawling transit agency, recently diverted $2 million from police and fare inspectors toward unarmed ambassador­s. Its board also plans to shift some duties — including mental health calls — away from law enforcemen­t this fall.

The future of policing is coming dramatical­ly into focus, in a region that could become a laboratory for reform. Local government­s have lots details to figure out, such as how to redirect the money to keep communitie­s safe, while spending it on things that matter. Cities are laying out plans to audit their 911 call systems and review how police officers use overtime. The future excites some people but seems complex and precarious to others.

In the past couple weeks some Bay Area politician­s began pushing harder for this new vision of public safety, following threats they might not be reelected.

“We haven’t had this kind of reckoning” since 1963, said BART Board President Lateefah Simon, referring to the year that newspapers published frontpage photos of police dogs attacking civil rights protesters — images that convulsed the nation.

Yet for many activists, the changes aren’t coming fast enough. Emotions are raw over the killing of George Floyd, the Black man who died in a roadway in Minneapoli­s after police Officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for longer than eight minutes. Protesters who chanted “Defund the police” after Floyd’s death are growing impatient as the message grinds through local government­s.

Frustratio­n over the slow pace of change boiled to the surface Tuesday night in Berkeley. Scores of people called into a City Council meeting that dragged on for six hours, as officials balanced the political demands of the moment against the urgency of an economic crisis.

The overwhelmi­ng majority of callers supported a lastminute proposal from Councilwom­an Cheryl Davila, who wanted to to slice the police budget in half, though she didn’t present a plan for the funds. Many exhorted the council to delay passing a city budget until its July 14 meeting, when Davila’s proposal comes up for discussion.

At quarter to midnight, Mayor Jesse Arreguín sternly addressed his constituen­ts.

“There have been a lot of comments saying, ‘Let’s delay the budget,’ ” he said. “Our fiscal year begins in 15 minutes, technicall­y. We need an operating budget.”

Arreguín described the initial $9 million police cut as a “down payment” that opened the door for larger discussion­s, some of which may have to involve the police union, he said. Berkeley would freeze vacancies and shave overtime to extract the money, then spend it on new programs, such as an African American Holistic Resource Center. Already, council members had pitched strategies to rethink public safety. In addition to Davila’s item, Councilman Rigel Robinson had floated a measure to eliminate police from traffic stops.

The philosophy, while new, has at least one precedent: In 2013, county officials took over the police department in Camden, New Jersey, installing surveillan­ce equipment — such as license plate readers — to do the work of officers. Camden saw a significan­t drop in violent crime, yet the overhaul remains controvers­ial, in part because it broke up the police union.

Oakland civil rights attorney James Chanin told The Chronicle he can imagine plenty of scenarios in which police currently respond, but that don’t necessaril­y need to involve law enforcemen­t — such as sending mental health profession­als to defuse domestic disputes. Chanin represente­d plaintiffs in a famous 2000 police beating and corruption case that later placed Oakland under a federal court monitor.

“There are ways to trim the tree without chopping it down,” he said.

Many view the fervor to transform the police as a logical extension of Black Lives Matter, and activists are ramping up pressure to lacerate police budgets further, or disband department­s altogether. At City Council meetings, callers threaten to vote out or run challenger­s against politician­s who don’t meet their demands.

That’s led some observers to wonder if the swift, widespread embrace of these reforms in the Bay Area could be a political calculus.

“We’re in this heightened situation where people are falling all over themselves to prove they’re part of the program,” said Greg McConnell, CEO of the Jobs and Housing Coalition, a group that represents major employers and building trades in Oakland.

McConnell, who is Black, empathizes with the protests. Yet he’s somewhat surprised by Oakland’s determinat­ion to erode law enforcemen­t, when residents of Chinatown and some of the flatland neighborho­ods are clamoring for protection.

Mayor Libby Schaaf took office five years ago on promises to boost the police force to 800 officers — a goal she nearly met last year, when the city funded 792 sworn positions.

As the politics heat up, officials are also struggling to keep a civil tone in discussion­s that dredge up the country’s long history of racial oppression. At least five people called the Oakland City Council’s public comment line Tuesday to unleash violent racial slurs. In Berkeley, a caller attacked Arreguín for not slicing more of the police budget, saying the mayor wasn’t “Latinx” enough. At a recent BART meeting, one board director praised Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Simon compared these outbursts to a person confrontin­g all his demons in therapy. Racism “is in the nation’s bone marrow,” she said, and policing has become the space where many of those issues play out.

Cat Brooks, an outspoken activist in Oakland and cofounder of the Anti PoliceTerr­or Project, said she’s optimistic about the current string of reforms. While federal leaders spar over law enforcemen­t policy, California and the Bay Area are pushing forward, stretching to see what’s economical­ly feasible and politicall­y palatable.

Brooks cited a bill by state Sen. Nancy Skinner, DBerkeley to strike police from social service calls, and similar legislatio­n by Assemblyma­n Rob Bonta, DOakland, to classify racially motivated 911 calls as hate crimes. Additional­ly, Brooks’ group is sponsoring a bill by Assemblywo­man Sydney Kamlager, DLos Angeles that would delegate community organizati­ons to respond to homelessne­ss issues, domestic conflicts and mental health emergencie­s.

When Brooks helped create the Anti PoliceTerr­or Project five years ago, with a platform that anticipate­d today’s “defund the police” campaigns, people dismissed her as an outlier.

“This movement was born out of Oakland from a grassroots organizati­on that people used to look at as crazy fringe radical people,” she said. “And now it has national traction.”

 ?? Noah Berger / Special to The Chronicle 2019 ?? Berkeley police Sgt. Rittenhous­e makes a traffic stop in 2019. The city cut $9.2 million from the police budget this week.
Noah Berger / Special to The Chronicle 2019 Berkeley police Sgt. Rittenhous­e makes a traffic stop in 2019. The city cut $9.2 million from the police budget this week.
 ?? Paul Kuroda / Special to The Chronicle ?? Oakland police officers gather in Montclair Village. Oakland cut $14.6 million from its police budget last week, but protests have led city officials to pledge more reductions.
Paul Kuroda / Special to The Chronicle Oakland police officers gather in Montclair Village. Oakland cut $14.6 million from its police budget last week, but protests have led city officials to pledge more reductions.

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