San Francisco Chronicle

Not above the law


Neither Richard Nixon nor Bill Clinton could shield his conduct from prosecutor­s by claiming presidenti­al immunity. Now President Trump is learning the same legal lesson that no one is above the law.

A Supreme Court majority, including two Trump appointees, ruled that a New York subpoena of the president’s tax and financial records can go forward. “In our judicial system, ‘the public has a right to every man’s evidence,’ ” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote, quoting a legal maxim.

The decision isn’t a complete win. The same highcourt majority passed on a similar request from Democrats in Congress bidding to investigat­e the president’s records. That case will need to be reconsider­ed by lower courts.

Also, though the New York inquiry can steam ahead, a deepdive look at Trump’s money world won’t likely happen before his November reelection bid. His overseas business deals, income taxes and hushmoney payoffs will stay bottled up in the short run.

The president can run out the clock.

That consolatio­n prize didn’t assuage Trump, who wailed about the results. “Courts in the past have given ‘broad deference’. BUT NOT ME!” Yes, Mr. President, it is all about you this time. As it has in the past, the court system won’t allow a presidenti­al pass on a legitimate criminal inquiry.

Beyond the nature of the case, the outcome stands out in another way. This president, who often claims special powers on immigratio­n, environmen­tal rules and other topics, is getting a firm rebuke on the limits of his office. He’s not clad in special constituti­onal armor. He’s not out of reach when it comes to suspected misconduct. He’s an officehold­er obliged to obey the law. Even his highcourt appointees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, voted to rein him in.

Presidenti­al power is getting a rightful check on its reach. Just as important, the country eventually should get a look at Trump’s concealed finances.

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