San Francisco Chronicle

Protect teachers and students with vaccine


Regarding “No timeline for opening schools, despite pressure” ( Front Page, Oct. 20): This retired educator believes that the timeline for safely reopening public schools in the Bay Area is after a COVID19 vaccine has been federally approved and locally distribute­d.

Many states are experienci­ng a second wave of coronaviru­s cases, and the best way to protect both teachers and students from further exposure or transmissi­on is by providing them with vaccinatio­ns.

Phyllis Ramirez, San Francisco

Vicious namecallin­g

A respected and trusted infectious disease expert like Dr. Anthony Fauci does not deserve to be called a disaster by an antiscienc­e president like Donald Trump.

Like so many other times when Trump has engaged in vicious namecallin­g, his smear of Dr. Fauci is another example of this familiar saying: “When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back at you.”

Fred Van Vliet, Petaluma

The presidenti­al box

Turning off the president’s microphone during Thursday’s presidenti­al debate is apparently designed to make the viewers’ experience less chaotic and more meaningful.

But this will do nothing to prevent him from continuing to talk and yell at Joe Biden with the goal of bullying and disrupting him. President Trump’s antics will probably be even worse as he will know the audience can’t hear his loud and provocativ­e statements. The solution is a Miss Universe-type plexiglass box to drop over Trump; it would be wired with sound so he can hear Biden but Biden can’t hear him. Surely, Trump has some of these leftover boxes stored somewhere!

Karen Cliffe, San Francisco

Insult to intelligen­ce

Regarding “Constant commercial­s” ( Letters, Oct. 20): Brother, I feel your pain. If I want my intelligen­ce insulted, I’ll watch any of Kayleigh McEnany’s White House press briefings. Instead, I leave one of our TiVo tuners set to CNN ( or whatever channel suits your appetite for factbased news) so it can deliver the last 30 minutes of programmin­g as soon as I turn on the TV, then hit fast rewind and begin watching what aired 20 or 30 minutes ago.

I can usually watch for about an hour, zipping through commercial­s, before bumping into real time. That way, the only insult to my intelligen­ce is the president’s distractio­n du jour or anything leaving Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s lips. Sipping a beer helps, too.

Doug Roffmann, Petaluma

Debunk the myth

The letter about the overabunda­nce of radio and television advertisin­g gets close to a key point but doesn’t quite articulate it. The great myth about advertisin­g supported television and radio advertisin­g is that advertisin­g supports programmin­g.

That ceased to be true in the earliest days of radio. Programmin­g is instead created to support the advertisin­g. High minded content that doesn’t attract enough slackjawed viewers to the ads is quickly canceled.

Which is why corporatec­ontrolled forprofit radio and television reeks: it spews forth from the bottom of a lowest common denominato­r septic tank. A key question then becomes, how well can that model of broadcasti­ng serve society as a whole?

Riley VanDyke, San Francisco

Terrible policies

Regarding “Fetal cells used in drug Trump took” ( Oct. 19): The article delineatin­g how the Trump administra­tion has initiated policies to hobble the use of human stem cells in medical research was gutwrenchi­ng. The fact that products of earlier stem cell research may have helped Trump in his COVID19 recovery is irrelevant to the deeprooted malevolenc­e of the antiaborti­on ideologues, most of them

Trump worshipers. Like so many other administra­tion initiative­s, instituted in many cases surreptiti­ously, people will suffer and in some cases die from the implementa­tion of these policies.

The best response from California­ns is to vote wholeheart­edly for Prop. 14, which continues funding for stem cell research at the state level.

John Stedman, San Francisco

Spread the wealth

Regarding “New federal strategy on homeless” ( Oct. 20): I don’t understand why it isn’t obvious to everyone that the U. S. allows poverty wages so, of course, there are demoralize­d American men lying all over our streets. Our previously wonderful, high quality, living wage manufactur­ing is done now that labor is cheap and expendable.

How about we create some real jobs for the next generation I expect will be living on the street, too? Instead of fabulously rich executives, how about sharing some of the proceeds with the people who actually do the work?

Jean Amos, San Francisco

Don’t rename, inform

Regarding “Disney toughens ‘ racist’ warning” ( Oct. 20): Disney’s new plan to treat inappropri­ate content in its historic films with detailed, culturally sensitive warnings instead of removal is a rational approach. Maybe something similar could be done for public schools instead of wholesale renaming, by posting informatio­n about the namesake that is historical­ly accurate, balanced and sensitive to our modern ethical, moral and humanitari­an concerns. An added benefit would be that the posted informatio­n could be changed in the future if our current state of awareness also doesn’t stand the test of time.

Tracy Schwartz, Mountain View

Consequenc­es of crime

Regarding “Brazen shoplifter­s force another Walgreens to fold” ( Oct. 18): I want to thank Phil Matier of The Chronicle for his very factual report regarding Walgreens’ closing after 30 years of successful service to the community. The issue has developed due to the illegal occupancy, theft and drug dealing that has increased on Van Ness and Eddy Street. It is selfeviden­t that the city politician­s plus police department are doing nothing to get rid of the problem.

The homeless seem to be camped out in the vacant city property directly across from the Walgreens store. The health and the safety of the area are paramount, and nothing has been done to eradicate the problem. Jobs are also being lost, and so is the sales tax revenue for the city.

Arthur Zanello, San Francisco

Listen to the experts

Jill Tucker’s article (“S. F. public schools don’t have a timeline for reopening,” Oct. 20) indeed highlights the frustratio­n of our current learning context. But I would argue, instead of “deriding” the experts, we should be listening to them.

The hatred of “Zoom school” is due, in large part, to parental insistence on larger periods of live teaching, forcing their students to be tied to their laptops and ignoring the expertise of trained educators. From the outset, experts advocated for a combinatio­n of short live lessons and community building coupled with more asynchrono­us learning which would provide greater flexibilit­y for families.

Now those same parents are demanding a return to school, without seeing the full picture: students unable to move freely in the classroom, no collaborat­ive work or shared materials with which to engage. No one sees distance learning as the ideal, not teachers or parents, but those of us in the classroom understand that a return to inperson teaching won’t be the panacea parents insist it will be. And we hope, for our health and that of our communitie­s, that we will finally be given the profession­al courtesy we deserve.

Jessica Bailey, Livermore

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