San Francisco Chronicle

The consequenc­es of the GOP’s propaganda


Regarding “Time for Democrats to wake up” ( Letters, Nov. 5): The author asks, “How is it possible that the presidenti­al race is so close when it should have been, after four years of Trump, a landslide for Joe Biden and a return to normalcy?” He blames the Democrats for not understand­ing what is driving Trumpers.

We need to change this narrative and change our strategy, because it is not that the Democrats’ message isn’t relevant to these folks. It is that these folks are not even receiving the Democratic messaging because they are saturated in the constant lies of Fox News and the lies and conspiracy theories spread like wildfire by social media. How do we get the truth out to people who won’t turn off the fire hose of falsehoods?

Our democracy depends on lessening the propaganda that is so easily spread like a deadly virus. COVID19 isn’t the only virus that is risking our country’s health.

Debbie Mitchell, Oakland

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